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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/766

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738 SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. Air Service or by officers of the Air Service authorized to make them, and are in excess of $500 in amonmt, such contracts sha.ll be reduced to °¤*°*¤•¤· wri and s` ed by the contracting parties. In all other cases conting *8** . tracts shall be entered into under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Chief of Air Service. Omceoichieiotmr sem., OFFICE or rmt emma or AIR smzvrcm. c*'“*°“P°'“°°“°““· Salaries: Chief clerk, $2,400; principal clerks—one at $2,400, two at $2,250 each, two at $2,000 each; c erks—·six of class four, ten of class three, thirty-eight of classtwo, eighty of class one; addressegraph operabtgr, $900; messen§ers—tvgoba)t $840 each, one $}Z20; tylo messenger ys, at $480 eac ; two a rers, at $720 eac ; in , $195,000.

  • °'°°"{?*”` °°'§' The services of aeronautical engineers skilled draftsmen and such
i°%·m Dem technical and other services as the Secretary of War deem

necessary may emplfoyedupnly in the office of the ghie of Air Service to carry mto e act e various appropriations or aeronautical pnuposes, to be paid from such appropriiatdins, in addition to the . _ PP tg . . Prom foregoing employees appropriated for in e office of the Chief of Air ummaenme. Service: Provided, That the entire expenditure for this urpose for vthe fiscal year 1923 not eigleed $90,000, and the 00&cretaryt;1>f ar yearm eann estimatnsreportto ngrem e numbcielr of persons so employed, their duties, and the amonmt paid to eac . Medical Dvmrvment. Mrcmcar. Drzruztnmnzr. umnrcar. AND riosrrrar. nr:1>A1z’rM1¤N*r. M°qm uid hwpiml For the manufacture and urchase of medical and hos ita.l su · Supplies etc lies, including disinfectantsfi for military posts, camps, {hos italis, E . . . P ospital ships and transports, for laundry work for enhsted men and Army nurses while patients in a hospital, and supplies required for piosiuito distruc?0ntg1_and aboutiim1lit:1i1*I5;irpos;:s m the Canal Zone; or epurc aseo ve rmary sup esan eo vetermarysurgeons; Private treatment. - · for expenses of medical sup ly die cts; for medical care and treatment not otherwise provided} for, ihcluding care and subsistence in private hospitals, of officers, enlisted men, and civilian em loyees of the Army, of applicants for enlistment, and of prisoners o¥ war and Pr W other persons in military custody or confinement, when entitled N.,‘§‘,,p,;uc,,r,;, um, thereto by law, regulation, or contract: Pmmkled, That this shall not ‘“"°“¥*‘· °‘°· apply to officers and enlisted men who are treated in private hospitals . Cmmm dum or y civilian physicians while on furlo h; for the roper care and wma, °" treatment of epidemic and contagiousiiseases in igie Army or at mrhtaiiy posts or stations, including measures to prevent the spread thsggof, arird tlligtpdaymeng of imonable damagies not otherwise provi _ or or ngan co injuredor estroed` ch VBI1tl0l§; for gp pay of pialekanfifiemtgle nurses, mil; irfgniadlirnglilhee Army urse rps an o coo san o er civilians emplo edfor the proper care of sickiofiicers and soldiers, imder such regulagions fixing their number, qualifications, assignments, pa , and allowances as shall have bgn or shall be prescribed by the Secretary of War; for the paiy of civihan physicians employed to examine physically applicants or enhstment and enlisted men and to render other rofessional ‘ 0 services from time to time under proper authority forpthe pay f sexi? p;&°m°°”’ other employees of the Medical Department; for tuition of officers of · the ·M0d1C8l Department, mcluding the Arm Nurse Co , under section 127-a o the Armfy Reorganization Xct a provelim June 4, 1920; for the payment o express companies and) local transfers employed directly by the Medical Department for the transportation