SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. 739 of medical and hospital supplies, including bidde1s’ samiples and water for analysis; for sup hes for use in teaching the art 0 cooking to the enliisped forple of ttlxi £{egficalSDepartr1;£,; or tl? srgpiply of the Agotsping gcnm], Army an avy ospi at ot a.nsas· or vertising, · printing, bindinii laundry, and all oger necessaiy miscellaneous Usom Mmm] ud expenses of the edical Department, $1,000,000: Prmnded, That no summa History or part of this appropriation s all be used for payment of anpjgxpense },",*{,{dd‘Q,_"" “°"'“""· tcplnnve-a_cted Gthe publication of the Medica and Surgical tory of e ar wi ermany. rr0s1>rr.u. cena, camo. zoma: oaruusoss. P•°*’”* °*”‘· For paying the Panama Canal such reasonable charges, exclusive °°°"'° of subsistence, as may be s£proved by the Secretary of War for caring in its hospitals for 0 cers, enlisted men, military prisoners, and civilian employees of the Army admitted thereto upon the request _ of proper military authority, $40,000: Provided, That the subsistence €i°b$ii餢e pa y. of the said atients, except commissioned officers, shall be paid to m°¤**· said hospitag out of the appropriation for subsistence of the Army at the rates provided therein for commutation of rations for enlisted patients in general hospitals. Army Mnnrcar. musmtm. ,e;'f",,,'{" M°‘"°" I"' For Arm Medical Museum, reservation of s imens, and the im};'¤°§Y"i”"°t°"°p°° Y P P°° preparation and purchase of new specimens, $7,500. LIBRARY, BURGEON o:aN1r.uaL’s omrrom. L“"*'Y- For am_1a»ia·y, pr `the surgeon ommvs omee as P·=~¤··· ·=* M- purchase of the necessarybooks of reference and periddicals, $12,000. M Orman or rim Stmomou G1:Nnau.. oiigfm °°°°`P' Salaries: Chief clerk, $2,250; principal assistant librarian, $2,250; °"i“‘“*’°”°"“°““· prmcipal clerk, $2,000; pathologist, $1,800; microscopist, $1,800; two assistant librarians, at $1,800 each; anatomist, $1,600; entomologist, $1,600; photographer $1,500; translator, $1,800; clerks- fifteen of class four, fourteen of class three, thirty-four of class two, fifty-five of class one, nine at $1,000 each, two at $900 each; multigraph operator, $1,200; engmeer, $1,400; skilled mechanic $1,000; two messgrggem, at $840 each; six assistant messengers, at $720 each; cha eur, $840; three firemen, at $720 each; three watchman, at $720 each; superintendent of building (Army Medical Museum and Library), $200; six laborers, at $660 each; four charwomen at $240 each; in all, $213,880. Burman or INSULAM Amume. migsilar mm ne came or INSANE FILIPINO sommns. cmerimmesumas. For care, maintenance, and treatment at assylums in the Philippine 1¤P¤¤f1>1¤¤¤1¤lm<u lSla.pds_of insane natives of the Philippine I ands cared for in such V0, 35 glggcgtuggoéngommomable to the Act o Congress approved May 11, ’p'm } ) ' cum or msarm sommns or Ponro moo nmonmm or 1Nr•*AN’rar. For care, rnaintenance,_a.nd treatment at asylums in Porto Rico InPortoHieo. of insane soldiers of the Sixty-fifth Infantry, formerly known as the Porto Rrco Regiment of Infantry, $50.
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