748 SIXTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 253. 1922. www °PP°*'°*“¤» For purchase of engines, generators, motors, machines, measuring ' and nautical instruments, special apparatus, and materials for the enlisted specialists division, $10,540. _ _ For purchase of special apparatus and materials and for experigriegggl purposes for the artillery and military art departments, lfor purchase of engines, generators, motors, machines, measuring instruments, special apparatus, and materials for the engmeering de artment $2,000. _ _ ”°°“· °°°· ger piucliase and binding) of professional books treating of military _ and scientific subjects for li rar? for use of school, and for temporary ixrvoliiiam. use in coast defenses, $2,360: rqvtded, That section 3648, Revised B- S-· ¤°°·*’·“”·P·”8- Statutes, shall got apggly atl; stu)b¥r1ptroini forilforeigpis and prggissrgcinal news apers an perro c e par or om appr_ _ a on: S*’°°'“'*’""°‘°'*”° Prmrllled further, '1`hat purchase and exchange of thewrrtrng mawrltus. . . . . . ip chmes, to be ard for from this approprration, may e made at the special price allowed to schools teaching stenography and typewrrtmg without obligating typewriter compames to supply these machines to all departments of the Government at the same price. muxkases, snaooasr DEFENSES, UNITED srarns. vmwrsums. m '*'°°*”· For construction of fire—control stations and accessories, including ` purchase of lands and rights of way, purchase and installation o necessary hnes and means of electrical commumcatronhmcluding telephones, dial and other telegraphs, and all special instruments, a aratus, and materials, coast-s a paratus, suba ueous, Pg . . lg? E . *1 szlund, an flsish ranging apparatus, including 3 err}; development, and s aries of e ectrica experts en ineers an other necessary emmdm me ployees connected with the use oi coast, artillery; purchase, manu- R""‘° * ‘ acture, and test of range finders and other instruments for fire control at the fortifications, and the machinery necessary for their manu- _ facture at the arsenals, $60,000. _ _ _ ·*‘?°§¤:;gj ifgmsgg For purchase, manufacture, and test of submannemine materiel, alnd other accessor;es fri; submar1§_1e—rnine practice, including the mac mery necessary or their man acture $3 000. $¤'=·¤¤*i¤¤¤¤¤¢=’·¤r>· For maintenance of submarine-mine riratériel within the limits of pu°s’°m` continental United States; purchase of necessary machinery tools and implements for the repair shop of the torpedo deipot, llnited Nl? T°“°° °°"°°’ States rmy, at Fort Totten, 1Newk ork, and for torpe o depot administration and experimenta wor $24,269. W¤r¤¤¤S¤¤¤¤¤i¤¤S¤x> For maintenance of Coast Artille war-instruction materiel at plggg . . . ry . ' gloast Artillery posts, including necessary material and labor thereor, $1,000. l”s"1°"’°`s°$“°°s‘ snxcoasr nsrnxsrzs, msunaa POSSESSIONS. °°""‘T"°““‘“’°”°“‘ For construction of ’dre—control stations and accessories including trol stations, etc. _ _ r _ purchase of lands and rights of way purchase and installation of necessary lines and means of electrical communication, including telephones, dial and other telegraphs, and all special instruments, apparatus, and materials; coast sivn apparatus, subaqueous sound an_ flash ranging apparatus, incjuding their development, and salaries of electrical experts, engineers, and other necessary B‘“'g°°""°”=°‘°· pgnployees cgnnecte? with thei use ofdcoalst artillery; pirrgzhasfpl, manacture an testo range fin ers an other instruments or e control at the fortifications, and the machinery necessary for their H,wa,,,¤,S,mds_ manufacture, at the following localities: gubmmememp In the Hawaiian Islands, $30,000. plies- For maintenance of the submarine mine materiel in the insular possessions, $10,000.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/776