SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 92, 93. 1924. 93 CHAP. 92.—An Act Authorizing an appropriation for the construction of A¤ri112»1924· aroad within the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona, and for other purpcscg [rutile, N0. 76.1 He it enacted by the Senate and House of Re resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assemgled, That there is Rfsg§§,·g§g°*]fr,£““°“ hereby authorized an appropriation of $50,000 from any tribal funds Amvum for vimu on deposit in the Treasury to the credit of the Indians of the Fort iiiiid ligiliigivgmii Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona, during the year 1925, and }‘§,§§§’i‘°d "°”‘ *'“’“* $50,000 from any like funds durin the year l926—in all, $100,000-—— ' to remain available until expendeti to pay one-half the cost of constructing a wagon road between Cooley and Vllhiteriver, within said reservation: Provided, That no part of the appropriations herein §{,‘{,'ff{’,;u,i0n mm authorized shall be expended until the Secretary of the Interior Sim authorities- — shall have obtained from the proper authorities of the State of Arizona satisfactory guaranties of the payment of one—half of the cost of the construction of said road or of one~half of the cost of such part thereof as may be constructed in any year. _ _ Sec. 2. There is hereby authorized an appropriation of $10,000 l2§{$§‘{°§$§,°§€Zgd from any tribal funds on deposit in the Treasury to the credit of '°’ b““*“¤¤‘°'· the Indians of the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona, for the construction of a suitable building, including fireproof vault, heating and ventilating apparatus, for the use and accommodation of the United States Indian Agency at Whiteriver, on said reservation. Approved, April 12, 1924. CHAP. 93.-An Act To authorize the sale of lands and plants not longer needed for Indian administrative or allotment purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the _ United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary §$‘Z,‘}{’}‘§§§‘,,;G0v- of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized in his discretion to g§,§;§g¤f1O€§10;,{BQ>,g} sell and convey by deed or patent, under such terms and conditions administrative puras he may prescribe, at not less than their appraised value, non- p°s°S’°°°‘ reservation Government tracts or plants or tribal administrative plants or reserves, or parts thereof, not exceeding forty acres in area and not exceeding $2,000 in value, not longer needed for Indian administrative or allotment purposes, and small unallotted tracts not exceeding forty acres, where a sale will serve the tribal interests. A i All sales made under this Act shall be at public auction, to the q.,;,\§$€°° °°l°° "` highest and best bidder. P t { t f And the Secretary of the Interior is further authorized where a sm$°§°n °r °°° ° tract to be disposed of under this or any other Act authorizing the disposition of tribal lands requires survey as basis for a deed or patent, to acc?t from the grantee, in addition to the purchase price, an amount su cient to cover the survey costs. D t { The net roceeds of sale of any tribal site, plant, or tract shall °p°S` ° D ' be deposited in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of the Indians owning the same, to be disposed of for their benefit in accordance with existing law; and the net proceeds of sales of Government-owned nontribal plants or lands shall be deposited‘ in the Treasury of the United States. Approved, April 12, 1924.
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