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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/125

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94 SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 94-96. 1924. A 12, im. . 94.-An Act To authorize the allotment of certain lands within —.-—-—-..-[ [gnR·§?‘;IL] the§:r¥ Yuma Indian Reservation, California, and for other purposes. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and H cuse of Representatives of the R,E,§,'$,,2{,},¥‘f‘('$,fi§{°’°" United States of America in Oangress assembled, _That the Secretary Wm¤d*¤"*'* h‘°{ of the Interior be, and he hereby IS, authorized in his d1scretion_to

Q“iiif¤¤iit$°s¢i»'iE1c.S° °° vacate in whole or in part the withdrawal of lands for town-site

urposes known as the town site of Powell on the Fort Yuma Indian V¤¤·35·P·"· Leservation, California, made pursuant to the Act of Aprn 30, 1908 V¤l·3$·P·587- (Thirty~fifth Statutes at Large, page 77), and the withdrawal for Auotmmmhdim Indian school farm purposes made pursuant to the Act of August 1, orvmmimds. 1914 (Thirty-eighth Statutes at Large, pages 5821587 ), all areas so vacated being hereby made available for allotment in seyeralty under existing laws to any Indians entitled to allotment on said reservation who have not heretofore received an allotment. _ ,,§f,*§$,‘}l,’},'§,‘2‘,’,,{'§,,l,?°,},$’°t The Secretary of the Interior is hereby further authorized to set aside and reserve for Indian school farm purposes any other lands within said reservation which have not heretofore been otherwise disposed of. Approved, April 12, 1924. `iH¤R1?tii?l° CHAP. 95.—-An Act Amending an Act entitled "An Act for the division [Public. N¤·79·l of the lands and funds of the Osage Indians in Oklahoma, ard for other purposes," approved June 28, 1906, and Acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. Om., 1,,.;;.1. lads, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re eseaatatives of the ¤¤g$¤g§fjl:g&ud United States of America in Ocngress assemblgd, That any right cumin; ip,¤2b;{¤¤o¤s to or mterest in the lands, money, or mineral interests, as provided “°$§f§'Z$1§T°m,°°d‘ in the Act of Congress approved June 28, 1906 ghirty-fourth Statutes at Large, page 539), entitled “An Act for the division of the lands and unds of the Osage Indians in Oklahoma, and for other purposes," and in Acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto, vested in, determined, or adjudged to be the right or property of any person not an Indian by blood, may with the approval of the Secretary of the Interior and not otherwise be sold, assigned, and transferred under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe. Approved, April 12, 1924.

 _CHAP. 96.——An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the counties of

"TPub11c,Nc.80.1 gpblcy and Scott, Minnesota, to construct a bridge across the Minnesota IV€l'. V. Be it enacted Zn the Senate and House 0 Re rescntatirves 0 the gi{,i.§·°s°lfq}(iiv°§&¤¢¤ United States cg iflmerica in Ocngress assembled, That the coxisent E,‘id“§§f€§g§{§§§;,_m“’ of Congress is ereby granted to the counties of Sibley and Scott of the tate of Minnesota and their successors and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a brid e and approaches thereto across the Minnesota River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at ’or near Blakely, Minnesota, more particularly described as in section 8, township numbered 113 north of range 25 west of the Gfth prin$Ipal meridian in the counties of Sibley and Scott, in the Cmmm°¤_ State of 1 innesota, in accordance with the provisions of an Act va.a4, 1:.84. entitled “An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March 23, 1906. swam:. Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, April 12, 1924.