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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/127

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96 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. S1css.I. Cue. 102, 105, 106. 1924. months after the passage of this Act, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to institute in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia a groeeedin in rem to condemn the land that may be necessary for wi ening og Georgia Avenue between Fairmont Street and Gresham Place northwest, with a width of not less than ninety feet, in ac- P . cordance with maps on file in the office of the surveyor of the Dis- Damagta mma u trict of Columbia: Provided, however, That the entire amount found °“‘°°°" to be due and awarded by the jury in said proceedings as damages for, and in respect of, the land to be condemned for said widening, plus the costs and expenses of the proceedings hereunder, shall be assessed by the jury as benefits against the property which the jury A l*"°°“‘“"*°" SMSH hi Fllhbe bthmmgdih b h zed be ted m°‘¤* nc. . at ere is ere authori to a ropria , out W walnut of the revenues of the District? of Columbia, an amgiiht sudicient to pay the necessaiz costs and expenses of the condemnation proceeding mmymt taken pursuant ereto, and for the payment of the amounts awarde as damages to be repaid to the District of Columbia from the assessments for benefits, and covered into the Treasury to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia. Approved, April 14, 1924. ‘“‘{g_1§,,1?" CHAP. 106.-An Act To authorize the Federal Power Commission to

 amend permit numbered 1, project numbered 1, issued to the Dixie Power

Company. D_ _ P C Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ,,,,.,‘f‘° "' °"" United States of America 6'ongress assembled, That the Federal 0, m§:{’;‘,§ Power Commission be, and It is hereby, authorized and directed, on www mw may M application made therefor by the Dixie Power Company, to amend °"°°°°°‘ reliminary permit numbered 1, project numbered 1, on the `White giver in Arkansas issued on March 3, 1921, as amended by order of said commission on March 14, 1923, extending the expiration of said amended permit to March 1, 1924, so as to extend said permit as amended by authority of this Act for eighteen months from the P“"¥’°°‘*’· approval of this Act, such extension being desired and necessary in order to enable the permittee to prepare maps, plans, and estimates, for incorporation in its application for license and to finance its project and to enable it to furt er test the river bed by core drilling to determine the most suitable foundation for its dam under said permit, and to enable it to comply with any other requirements of law and regulations of said power commission in making an application for a icense. ‘ Approved, April 15, 1924.

 CHAP. 106.-—An Act Authorizing the conveyance of certain land to the
 city of Miles City, State of Montana, for park purposes.

Public Ima Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the omam w Mile United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secre- C'°y’M°"` tary of the Interior be, and he hereb is, authorized and directed to convey by patent to the city of giiles City, a munici al corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Dm,,p,,m,_ Montana, the following tract of public land, to wit: Beginning at a pomt which is south eighteen degrees fifteen minutes west from the center of section thirty-three, township eight north, of range forty-seven east, Montana principal meridian, and