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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/398

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 249, 250. 1924. 367 The claim or claims of the Wichita and afliliated bands may be P'°°°d¤’°· presented separately or jointly by petition, subject, however, to ‘ amendment, suit to be Bled within five years after the date of the passage of this Act; and such action shall make the petitioner or petitioners party plaintiff or plaintiffs and the United States arty defendant, and any band or bands of the said Wichita and affiliated bands or any other tribe or bands of Indians the court may deem necessary to a final determination of such suit or suits may be joined Vemwion 0, pm therein as the court may order. Such petition or petitions shall be ¤<>¤· verified by the attorney or attorneys employed by the Wichita and aililiated bands or any tribe or band thereof under contract approved in accordance with existing law and no other veriication shall be E id dmmd necessary. Official letters, papers, documents, and public records, V °°°°° ` or certified copies thereof may be used in evidence, and the departments of the Government shall give access to the attorney or attorneys of said tribes or bands thereof to such treaties, papers, correspondence, or records as may be needed by the attorney or attorneys for said tribes of Indians. , Sec. 3. That upon the final determination of such suit or cause of ,,0‘,'{f{*§,‘§Q§,§_ '°°’ by action, the Court of Claims shall decree such fees as it shall find reasonable to be said to the attorney or attorneys employed therein by said tribes un er contracts negotiated and approved as provided by _ . existing law, but in no case shall the fees decreed by said court Li"'"°u°"‘ amormt to more than 10 per centum of the amount of the judgment recovered in such cause, and in no event shall such fee amount in the aggregate under one attorneyship for each tribe to more than $25,000, and shall be paid out of any judgment that may be re- m&§"”°”* "°m*“d¤‘ covered; and the balance of such judgment shall be placed in the Inlgialanw to credit of United States Treasury to the credit of the Indians entitled thereto, m` where it shall draw interest at the rate of 4 per centum per annum. Approved, June 4, 1924. June 4,1914. CHAP. 250.--An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to iix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school omcers, and other employees of the Board of [Publi"' N°‘ 188*] Education of the District of Columbia/’ approved June 20, 1906, as amended, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re resentatirvea of the P bu h is D C United States of America in Congress aesembleef That on and after S; ,°°° xblkhéd ‘ July 1, 1924, the salaries of teachers, school officers, and other "°°°’ ‘ employees of the Board of Education of the District of Columbia sha l be as follows: Airrrcnn I.—-SALARIES or Tnacrmns AND sor-1ooL ,i.T.,"?""°" ““" “""* LIBRARIANS. Cmss 1.-——TrAcm:ns nv Krxnnminrrrsus Ann Emmmmanr Scuoors. _,,_,$§{,*,'},,°’,¥,?,,”,§'*0,,__°”" Group A.-——A basic salary of $1,400 per year, with an annual cmp A' increase in salary of $100 for eight years, or until a maximum salary of $2,200 per year is reached. Gm B _ Group B.—A basic salary of $2,300 per year, with an annual p ' increase in salary of $100 for three years, or until a maximum salary of $2,600 per year is reached. Crass 2.—'I‘1»:Acrmas IN Jumorr Hrcrz Scuoons. hmm mm A teacher in the junior high schools who possesses the eligibility ¤ur`Zii¤hr•irl°¤ ry l‘c<g.11irements of teachers in the elementary schools and_who in _ ad `tion has met the higher eligibility requirements established by 45S22°—-251*-—26