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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/404

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SIXTYZEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 250. 1924. 373 (m) F rom director of intermediate instruction and supervisor of d,£§°·£{rg§,§{,'I§°';';$ . manual training under the Act of Jnme 20, 1906, as amended, to manga mmm; su-

lass210f<g1_th; fpregoing schedule, subject to the provisions of sec- "°“"‘°"

ion 0 IS c . (n) _From director of penmanship and assistant director of pen- a,,%°£$" di'°°t°' manshipg under the Act of June 20, 1906, as amended, to class 3, grpup , of the foregoing schedule, as provided in section 2 of this c . (0) From heads of departments in high and manual-training high m?{§§lS }¥,,ii‘,}§,‘t,§ 'Yfgschools, class 6, Grou ; assistant principals; and assistant prin- ¥’°'“*‘°¤”»°‘°- pipzals (dtianis og girls? under ltihg Act of June 20, 1906, as amended, ocass 0 te oregoingsceue. __ (p) From supervising principals under the Act of June 20, 1906, p,§§l°°msm“ prin"' as amended, to class 12 of the foregoing schedule. _ (q) From teachers not otherwise provided for, classes 1, 2, 3, and vi§§{;,,$l‘h°"m° p'°` 4 under the Act of June 20, 1906, as amended, to class 1, Group A, class 2, Group A or Group C, or class 3, Group A, of the foregoing schedule in accordance with the eligibility eiualiiications possessed and the character of duties to be £erformed y such teachers: Pro- _N1'0°u p.H mmuy mn. vided, That all teachers, school officers, and other employees in the §;‘z,”,°§;,,,¥j;,*?,f,§,9ty°‘§’,$,{d‘ service of the Board of Education on July 1, 1924, not specilically ° mentioned in the provisions of this section shall be placed in the salary classes and positions in the foregoin schedule in accordance with the eligibility qualifications possessed and the character of duties to be [performed by such teachers, school officers, and other employees: rooided further, That all teachers, school officers, or an-;§P,jf”§'§°’l;,§“*g°'i°; other employeeshereafter appointed, shall be placed the salary c1m¤¤.e¢c· classes and positions in the foregoing schedule by the said board, and Lo vi in all teachers and other employees assigned to classes 1, 2, 3, and 4 "‘° W °’°°"' of the foregoing schedule in the service of the said board on July 1, 1924, or thereafter appointed shall receive their longevity increase according to their previous number of years of experience in teaching in like positions in accredited schools to those which they hold on July 1, 1924, or to which they may thereafter be appointed: Provided further, That in crediting experience in teaching of any ,.,}{l£,°“'i,’.§,,i$Y,€;,;,,”LF person who has been absent from his duties as a teacher because of '¤“=***¤¢°*P°'*°¤°°- military service the said board is hereby authorized to include naval, military, or other service with the armed forces of the United States Government or its allies as the equivalent of teaching exgriencez 1 I um Provided further, That no teacher or other employee shall placed me pnmmnt? °"°` in the salary schedule for more than the fourth year of experience in classes 1, 2, Group A, or 4, or more than the fifth year of experience in class 2, Group C, or class 3. ARTICLE V.—METHOD OF PROMOTION OF EMPLOYEES. P°°m°¤°”° Sm. 7. That on July 1, 1925, and on the first day of each iiscal ,,,1‘§$,¥`°dmi§°§?§°mp°§ year thereafter, if his work is satisfactory, every permanent teacher, "“°' """· Imschool officer, or other em loyee shall receive an annual increase in salary within his salary class or osition as hereinbefore provided without action of the Board of Ediication. Mm my I lm Sec. 8. That on and after July 1, 1924, teachers, school officers, and me above uaéy ami other employees promoted from a lower to a higher salary class or '°"""°"· position 5all receive a salary in the salary class or position to which promoted which is next above the salary in the salary class or position from which promoted. hm,.,,,,,,uh,,_,,,2,,, Sec. 9. That every teacher in the service on July 1, 1924, except from Gmgam cr . . . - Group C, 2 an as herein otherwise rovided, and every teacher thereafter appointed, bask dsupaic meishall be assigned to group A of the class to which eligible or to Group mm C of class 2 and shall be promoted to Group D of class 2 or Group