374 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 250. 1924. B of any class on the basis of such evidence of superior teaching and of increased professional attainments as the Board of Education mag i:ii°3°1Zi mw prescribe: Provided, That teachers receiving salaries in Group ‘*';’“¤’"¤B¤j.$°,,,¤,$·°‘,§:_“h' of class 6 on June 30, 1924, and teachers receiving salaries in Group im A of class 6 who on June 30, 1924, are on the eligible list for promo- — tion to Group B of class li, shall be assigned to Group B of class 3 on July 1, 1924, without further examination or additional qualificamoRti·°$Li°¢b:°or‘i»-upspriial tions: Provided further, That no aperson who has not received for -“"’ °· at least one year the maximum s ary of Group A in any class or . Grou C of class 2 shall be eligible for promotion to Group B of smPr°·ii°rdiri»'i¤°p': adiiyi any {Sass or Grou D of class 2: And projvided further, That the 2g,,,,,“““,',‘Q§ ”°,,§§§§ number of Group B and Group D salaries m any salary class shall ¤¤¤¤¤¤- be divided proportionately between the teachers in the white schools and the teachers in the co ored schools on the basis of the enrollment of upils in the respective white and colored schools. _ _ _ wB"“,_,_, ,,,‘°',,,g"°,‘{,P,f***},’g,’; gmc. 10. That teachers shall be promoted to be teaching principals ¤¤i¤i=#r¤¢iv¤¤ri¤¤iv•l·¤~ or to be administrative principals, on the basis of such evidence of superior teaching, of administrative ability and of increased professonal attainments as the Board of Education may prescribe. 1,,:;,¤.;=$··=¤··¤**¤= we Anricnn vi.-Accomrauriue Lnoistxrion, B°°*° “’ °°'Q§“{; Sec. 11. That for the p ose of determin' the classification of gilgluigxnrigrioichvvl teaching principals and adliiilniistrative princiiiigs it shall be the duty °“m"‘°‘ of the Board of Education, on the recommendation of the superintendent of the schools, to designate the number of classrooms in each _ elementary school building. mimwt °“'s°` Sec. 12. There shall two first a$iStant superintendents of ro wma moors. schools, one white first assistant superintendent for the white schools who, under the direction of the superintendent of schools, shall have F°'°°‘°'°'”°"°°"‘ general supervision over the white schools; and one colored first assistant superintendent for the colored schools who, under the direction of the superintendent of schools, shall have sole charge of all employees, classes, and schools in which colored children are taught. The first assistant superintendent shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the superintendent of schools. ,,$,§§,§f“"‘"°” °' Sec. 13. That boards of examiners for carryin out the provisions <`¤¤¤¢i=¤¢*¤¤¤**>¤¤*<*· of the statutes with reference to examinations of teachers shall consist of the superintendent of schools and not less than four nor more than six members of the sulpervisoiy or teaching staff of the white schools for the white schoo s, and of the superintendent of schools mggmggaiggfygggg and not less than four nor more than six members of the supervisory cation. or teaching stall of the colored Schools for the colored schools Tho designations of members of the supervisory or teaching staff for membership on these boards shall be made annually by the Board ofh Education on the recommendation of the superintendent of sc ools. §.’})*j°jvg{;*g};;gis_ Src. 14. That there shall be appointed by the Board of Education, _ on the recommendation of the superintendent of schools, a chief fg¤°”,_;;g;, www examiner for the board of examiners for white schools: Provided, neges]? re: colored That an assistant superintendent in the colored schools shall be s° °° designated b the superintendent of sch00lS as chief examiner for _ the board ofy examiners for the colored schools: Provided further, m§§,‘;{°°”"°“ '°‘ That, except as herein otherwise provided, all members of the respeotive boards of examiners shall serve without additional compensation. ,,,;§c‘},‘,;‘§,t°f‘ “‘*"‘“*““’ Src. 15. That the Board of Education, on recommendation of the s,A¤1>gg¢¤¤¤¤¢ ¤¤d¤¤· supgintendent of schools, is hereb authorized to appoint emma] mm ‘ sn itute teachers, who shall qualigy for said ositions by meeting such eli `bility requirements as the said board) may prescribe and who shiil be assigned to the lowest class to which eligible for the
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