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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/406

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SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHs. 250, 251. 1924. 375 type of work to be performed, but who shall not be entitled to the . longevity allowance of said class: Promkied, That the said board glimiigéuenrsn from shall prescribe the amount to be deducted from the salary of any °bs°“°‘°°°*‘°’ · absent teacher for whom an annual substitute may erform service, and the amount so deducted shall revert to the Treasury of the United States in the same proportion as appropriations are made Om msmms during the fiscal year for such absence and substitute service: Pro- permiided. vided {urther, That the above authorization for the appointment of annua substitute teachers shall not be construed to prevent the Board of Education from the emplo ment of other substitute teachers under regulations to be prescribed by the said board. Sec. 16. That when necessary the Board of Education, on recom- T°'“”°“" “°°h°”“ mendation of the superintendent of schools, is authorized and em- _ powered to appoint temporary teachers: Provided, That such ap- {§,Y’$;;mm,d_ pointments shall be made for a limited period not to exceed three months, which ma be extended from time to time, in eriods not to exceed three mon&s each, in the discretion of the said) board: Pro- Sum assignments ‘ vided further, That such temporary teachers shall be assigned to the ` basic salary of the class in which service is to be performed and shall not be entitled to longevity allowance in said class. . Sec. 17. That the Board of Education is hereby authorized to m?1°°`.ifu°:}`ty¤ai$b:•i conduct as a part of the public school system a community center °““‘°"‘°"· department, a department of school attendance and work permits, night schools, vacation schools, Americanization schools, and other activities, under and within appropriations made by Congress, and in consultation with the superintendent of schools to fix and prescribe the salaries, other than those herein specified, to be pai to the employees of the said activities. Rum emma my Src. 18. That the rates of salary herein designated shall become 1,1924. _ effective on the 1st day of July, 1924, and that the estimates of the ;,,£}{§?’°{,,°°,,,,"§,,y,,‘Q,f’§Z expenditures for the operation of the public school system of the ted- District of Columbia shall hereafter be prepared in conformity with the classification and compensation of educational em loyees herein P,,,,,_,,,_ provided: Provided, That during the fiscal year ending June 30, No ¤¢¤<;; i¤g¤¤¤n¤g;{ 1925, no teacher, school officer, or other em loyee of the Board of ;°£i°f$i °° W Education whose salary is included in the flbregoing schedule shall Receive any increase in compensation other than as provided in this ch l Inconsistent laws re- Sec. 19. That all Acts or parts of Acts not consistent with the v¤¤*·¤· provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Approved, June 4, 1924. June 4, 1924. _ CHAP. @51.-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy, in his discre·· tron, to deliver to the custod of the Albany Institute and Historical and Art ’ ` Society of the city of Albany, blew York, the silver service which was presented to the United States cruiser Albany by citizens of Albany, New York. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatt»ves of the ,,___,b ,, U S United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary onaserinm _ ` of the Navy is authorized, in his discretion, to deliver to the custody ,,§{L`Q°'w,°$m”X§°°btp§°.§ of the Albany} Institute and Historical and Art Society of the cit gfgad :§c_·*,},*’_*;'{,§'mI;‘ of Albany, ew York, for preservation and exhibition in such N.r.’ ' museum, the silver service which was presented to the United States hm cruiser Albany by citizens of Albany, New York: Provided, That no No odvmimm excxpense shall be incurred by the United States for the delivery of "°°°° °°°h°”‘°d' such silver service. Approy ed, June 4, 1924.