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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/407

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376 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Srss. I. Cris. 252, 253. 1924. Im gm CHAP. 252.-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to thepommissioners

 of Fayette and Greene Counties, Penns lvania, to construct a bridge across the

[Pu H°’ N°' J Monongahela River near Masontown, Igayette County, Pennsylvania. ] I .m Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the clggx ¤¤<1 <¥dr¤¤¤¤¥ United States of Amerika in 00 regs assembled, That the consent of u°°J.`¤¤¤.'.l{°i°!·.,bridg°’ Congress is hereby granted to ge commissioners of the counties of Fayette and Greene, in the State of Pennsylvania, and their successors and lassigpls, to construpi, n§1intain,hand lgperate a bridge an a proac es ereto across e ononga e a 1ver at a point n smtabllz to the interests of navigation, at or near Masonlzown, in the Vul.34;p.84: county of Fayette, 1D the State of Pennsylvania, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges over navigable waters," approved March Amendment 23’ 1906* . . . Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, June 4. 1924.

 CHAP. 253.—An Act Providing for the final disposition of the aifairs of the

[Public, Nm 191-1 Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carohna. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives 0 the ¤¥ °zlx:?h; United States of America in Uongress asaevitbled, That the Eagtern %,;,m,,'§g,,,; ,,; Band oftCtl;epp1kee offNprth Carlciling. is hprelby anghgrized, ursuan e resou ion 0 1 s coun t t 6t f November, 1919, to convey to the UnitedcSt:te(;Po;Am<;’1ica, instbugt, all lanil, mcilney, angc other pr(p(%erty céf said band for final disposition ereo as erema r provi · an the United St t 'l t Ron of to such conveyance when approved’by the Secretary ofllslig Iviilerigdiiep ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ thSr¥:.t2. _ ag iapon approval! of such gonveyincei tlie Secreisgry of e n er1or s a cause o prepare a ro o t f said band, to contain the names of all living on the dage lblglllhisrgdlz, comms anrilqiio pefisoa liprri afteshthat date shall be entgzleld to enrollment. ‘ ero sa sow enameagesexan e fCh k Indian blood, and separately of that derivled from gag; dlzher frldisfii ancestor, of each member. The day of the month indicating the PTOHSO. birth date member also be PTO-

  • ‘”'"“°° ‘ ceded, at if such date is unknown and can not be ascertained

tge date of thefexgtryipf the bxéaxpe gn the schedule shall be taken for; t e purposes o_ t is ct to the irt date of the member to whom a..m,,, .,l.. the amy arampazeami. Said roll when approved by the Secretary of the Interior shall be linal and conclusive as to the membership of said band, and as to tllle ages apddegree lof Indian lgloodhof the members, but clerical c anges re ating to the names o suc members t ‘ Ccmidnamu 0, fop tions may be made at any time thereafter. or T) Sex designamr mus, isa, ea. Sec. 3. That in the preparation of said roll due consuleration shall be given to all rolls an l1sts heretofore made of the membership of said band, together with any evidence elicited in the course of any investigations, and to all documents and records on tile in the ..::.·:,¤.:·::.:·;;.·= .:;~·..:.s I“%f§°¥.ti°€§»Y€‘?%’$“§§¤?é’%f°€§§?§$‘E`.$L’L“i§§.3“P§°& . °'“"'°· 0;- list shall not be accepted to establish, conclusively, ?gSS:i(giltr2)1; that of his descendants to enrollment. Nor shall the absence of his name grom Erich former rolls conclusively bar any person or his Act of Norm Cam descen ants om enrolhnent. _ iuaesmgamea. That in the preparation of said roll the act of the State of North Carolina of March 8, 1895, chapter 166, entitled "An Act to amend chapter 211, laws of 1889, relating to the charter of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians " shall be disregarded.