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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1398

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1.358 _SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sasa II. CHS. 313-315. 1927. ¥Pcaoei” jwhxlx lolunerg to the tgiogarnmefit tgventyliiive year; agoan since a time- as un in- e a itc an int eroomo the Committee on Naval All`airs§ for the s1i)m of $5,000, which sum ishereby `authorized to be appropriated, out of_any money in the

 not otherwise appropriated, to pay said owners for said

pakntmg lggorighe lpassage and approval 0 t is Act. pprov , arc 3, 1927. mam s. mr. .

 OIL?. 314.--An Act To amend the last paragraph of an Act entitled "An

P‘”’“°· N°· m· Act t0°frefe;g1Ietc)lalt1£1c';sS0f the D&1a;r!z1:fIpgd;a§s%:é:l§mC£.un of Claims, with the right ap _ upreme e m . _ ` Be emwted theiSe·nate and Home of Refresevatativea of the

   States 0 Amerzba in Oongresa assem Zed, That ‘the last

°'*"iL°·¤`i`*·i°*’i3'»°···~··*<*l"`°°‘ ‘£§"i"’ii§ °fi§*’° A? €i¥"’i`>°`i°° F°bi"3” 7’J.9?£" i5`““}€di ti -A°° ai. reer ec rmso e eaware nians e ou 0 aims with the right of argneal to the Supreme Court of the United States ” (forty-third tatutes at Large, pages 812 and 813), be, and v the same ereby is, amended to "read as follows: · bAd%*•*g•§%g’°;¤$€ ¤*°·· “ U n the final determination of any suit the Court of Claims Y ' shall such fees asdmzgl beddeemed §ai1i1 and reasobrgabledfor services an expen ses ren er an ` incurre t erein to ai to the attorney or attorneys, such fees for services not ai exceedp 10 per Limitation. centumon the amormt of the judgments recovered and in no event %¤g*;;dm‘;·,·j)d%_;¤,;,° to be more than $25,000 in‘any one claim, and the Court of Claims ¤f.f¤rhlS¤ervice¤· shall also decree to the estate of Richard C. Adams, deceased mem- ber, of the Delaware Tribe, and its representative and attorney for many years and up ,to his death 1D`OCt0l)pI, 1921, a reasonable amount for the services and eigpenses of said Richard C. Adam rendered and incurred during his lifetime for and on behalf of Delaware Tribe in connection with its claims against the United States, to the extent of but in no event to exceed % per centum on any sums recovered; and all of such sums so to be paid for services and expenses bsgialldbe paid} out of aéiy gum or sums found due said —‘·d'¤¤°°m°¤* M Delaware Tri an not ot erwise. uc suit suits or causes shallbe °m°°` advanced on the docket of the Court of Claiins and by the Supreme Court of the United States if an appeal shall be taken." Approved, Merch 3, 1927. March 3, 1927. .,..i&é*J&L.. zunaiu-A Arr uw mise ta ruin: was s me ¤··· ml .,..£.i.. parts or talriite 30%`§et%‘£‘£Z., t2 a.°L?..d’Y;.‘L¤uv2¤i.2T’ "°“ ° Be it enacted by the Semztc and Home of Representatives of the _,:_C°°’“““*°“·""*" United States og America in Q0ngreas_a.seembZed, That the Secretary mgdgkmd r•¤¤¤[ to fl; of the Navy is ereby authoriied to give or sell, under such regu- ,,,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,_ * Iyitigugfas his xpjaylspaespribe, such pa;·ts)f>rfp1eces, mcluiding rigging, 0 e riga e o 1 u ion as are sui a e or use as re cs souvemrs or mementos, and which cdn not profitably or advantageoiisly be used in restoring this vessel to original condition, to clubs, associations, or V°‘· “· ’· ‘m· individuals that have made or shall make donations or contributions for the preservation of the frigate Constitution referred to in the Act approved March 4, 1925 ( 0rty·third Statutes at Large, page M mm uma. 1278) : Provided, That the cost of convertingl the aforesaid material ` into relics, souvemrs, `or mementos shall be c arged against, and the pweidsfxof such sales shall be added to, the fund created by authority o sai ct. “ Approved, March 3, 1927.