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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1404

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1364 SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 321—323. 1927.

 {gm?   321.——·An Act Releasing and granting to the State of Utah and the

jgigmyibjjgye University of Utah any and all reversionary rights of the United States in and ’ ’ to the grounds now occupied as a campus by the University of Utah. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Eéytgfltzlieggcmityof United States of America in Congress assemble _, That any and all uiiiii iiiiies misses it reversionarg right, title, or interest which the United States now has L“h‘ in and to t e land occupied by the University of Utah as a campus and more particularly described in the Acts of Congress granting ,,4V¤l,,%S, p. uv; vox. same dated, respectively, July 23, 1894 (Twenty—eighth United States " 'p‘ ’ ‘ Statutes, page 117), and May 16, 1906 (Thirt —fourth United States Statutes, page 195), be, and the same hereliiy are, released and granted to and vested in the State of Utah and the University of _ Utah, and this Act shall be deemed a conveyance in fee simple of {Q[,‘§f‘·’§‘,;m, 0,,,,.0,, the said land: Provided, _That the grant of said land shall in_no Cmk ¤<>¤¤¤·‘>¢¤¤<i· manner carry with it any interest, right, or title in or to_any portion m;,ig,,,m,O,iii»,,Out *fi.§l°il2E’?S°ie2Z$}§3di5li°§ %”;’l¥§i` d%£€-',‘32’Z€§{Z {tiled isssswei. ° g maintain, alter, rebuiliypand enlarge the sewer which runs from the Fort Douglas Military ost across said tract of land, or to construct gg;} maiintainba new seglwer system across the same, should it be or ome esira le so to 0. Approved, March 3, 1927. March 3, 1927.

 CHAP. 322;-—An Act Granting certain lands to the city of Bountiful, Utah,

’ ` ' to protect the watershed of the water-supply system of said city. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the §§Q§gf{‘“‘§;,u¤mu,“ United States of Anwrzba in Omtgress assembled, That upon payment

r¤rr¤w¤¤w¤¤¤r· of $1.25 per acre there 1S hereby granted to the city of Bountiful,

' "° Utah, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereb authorized and directed to issue patent to the cit of Bountiful, lltah, for certain public lands for the protection of the watershed furnishing the water neseiiptisii. for said city, the lands being described as follows: All of section 24, township 2 north, range 1 east, Salt Lake meridian, and containing approximately six hundred and forty acres, more or less. mgggyi asm ¤¤* no. 2. The conveyance hereby authorized shall not include any ` lands which at the date of the issuance of patent shall be covered by a valid existing bona fide right or claim initiated under the laws §’§Zi,},‘Q{‘d,p0,,,, W of the United States: Provided, That there shall be reserved to the S°"°d· United States all oil, coal, and other mineral deposits that may be Ravmm for mm found on the lands so granted and the right to prospect for, mine, uw,.,¤,_ · and remove the same: Provided further, That said city shall not have the right to sell or convey the land herein granted, or any part thereof, or to devote the same to any other urpose than as herein- before described; and if the said land shall) not be used for such municipal purpose the same, or such parts thereof not so used, shall revert to the United States. The conditions and reservations herein provided for shall be expressed in the patent. Approved, March 3, 1927. March 3, 1927.

 cuar. s2s.—A¤ Act To iimeiid seciiiiii 10 or the Act eiiiiiiee *·Aii Act

[P“bh°· N°· lm'] extending the homestead laws and providing for right of way for railroads in the ggéritcg ¢;l;i%J1;s;a,p¢;’r;c;f1cg§)pther purposes} approved May 14, 1898 (Thirtieth u s , . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the {il§’§§g,,,d Bama, United States of America in Oongress assembled, That section 10 of °°°· the Act entitled "An Act extending the homestead laws and provid-