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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1410

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I370 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 331-334. 1927. "°’¤*°°‘·°*°- of said commissioners and all costs incident thereto, including the "°*·°*·P·”’· cost ofreplacing any pavement disturbed thereby, shall be fpaid by the permittee in accordance with the third Sparagraph o the ,,,,_,,,”_ Act approved Ma 26 1900 (United States tatutes at Large, conmseurmee volume 31, page 21% : Provided, That the other conditions imposed amauee. by section 1 0 said Act shall not a ply to any pglrmit which may be granted hereunder: And further, at such permit may be revoked at any time by the District Commissioners without compensation to the permittee or any successor and the commis- sioners may remove any pipes laid under the authority of this Act. Approved, March 3, 1927.

 _ CHAP. 389.-An Act To provide for the appointment of an additional

"§.T;i(T;·Ei·;TF of the District (`lourt of the United States for the Western District of New Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the gutigiin .iiie°i·ied'°°t°m United States og America in Oongress assembled, That the President ,,,;},§’,‘2§*‘}§‘,f"“°‘° °“’ of the United tates is hereby authorized to appoint, by and with W-, M ¤· 1087. the advice and consent of the Senate, an additional judge of the ` District Court of the United States for the Western District of New York, who shall reside in said district and who shall possess the same powers, perform the same duties, and receive the same compensation as t e present district judge of said district; and that the oiiicial residence of said judges shall not be in the same or adjoining counties. Approved, March 3, 1927. Migllgig CHAP. 383.-An Act Directing the resurvey of certain lands.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the §‘§§',‘$,"?,‘§°’;,,,,c,,d United States of America tn Oangress assembled, That the Secretary gggffujhéggnmlwm of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to cause to _be ' resurveyed townships 29 and 30 north range 38 east, of the Will- amette meridian, and townships 30 and 32 north range 39·east of the Willamette meridian, all in the State of Whshington, and to cause proper marks and designations to be placed at the corners of the quarter sections thereof, said work to be done at ublic expense out of appropriations available for survey of the public lands. Approved, March 3, 1927. · MT‘§%;°6HZ' CHAP. 834.-An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the city of Fort `I‘1EHEf" §cmith,£eb14;:¤)1g;1uCRoi§1’r‘;:y, Arkansas, to construct, maintain, and operate a dam ross e . 1§§’,°’,§'},'b,1$'"’°"1°‘ Whereas the city of Fort Smith, Sebastian County, Arkansas, a duliy organize and incorporated city in said county and State, is ependent for its water supply upon the Poteau River, a stream originatinizin the State o Okla oma and emptying into the Arkansas iver just east of the State line between the States of Arkansas and Oklahoma; and Whereas it is necessary for a dam to be constructed in order to reserve the purity of the water supply of the said city of Fort Smith: Therefore p . » t - - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the JM ¤¤;·}:_’{·°,·;—{f,; United States og Americaia Oongzecs assembled, That the consent mviaiirmime of Congress 1s· y granted -to the city. of Fort Smith, a duly