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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1411

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cris. 334, 335. 1027. 137]. incorporated city, of Sebastian County, Arkansas, to construct, maintain, and operate a dam across the Poteau River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near a point west of the State line dividing the tates of Arkansas and O V homa, and rnear or just above t e mouth of Mill Creek: Provided, That aamaiaaaam. the crest of such dam shall not exceed an elevation of six feet above the low-water stage of the Poteau River and that the city of Fort P”'”"’°°"""""" Smith shall be respomible and pay for all damage w ich may accrue to the Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians as a result of the construction of the dam or the use·by of Fort Smith of the Poteau River for water-supply purposes: Provided {further, That the work shall not be commenced until the {plans there or have ‘*°”°“*°""""‘ been submitted to and approved by the Chief o Engineers, United States Army, and by the `ecretary of War: Provide further, That m°°={_j@*¤,§*_¤¤;_{>l{,{°:g‘_l¤ in approving the plans for said dam such conditions and stipulations i' may e imposed as the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War mply deem necessary to protect the present and future interests of the nited States, which may include the condition that the said city shall construct, maintain, and operate, without expense to the United States in connection with said dam, a lock, boom, sluice, or any other structure or structures which the Secretary of War and t e Chief of.Engineers or Congress at any time may deem necessary in the interests of navigation in accordance with such Po plans as they may approve: And prmnded further, That this Act enmg "° °°° '°' shall not be construe to 1z;u§hor%ze the use of such dam to develop water power or nerate roe ectric ener . Sno. 2. That ti: authorgty granted by this Act shall cease and Ti°”°'°°°°°m°°°°‘ be nuH and void unless the actual construction of the dam hereby authorized is commenced within one year and completed within P three years from the date of approval of this Act: Provided, That Auumiey to mms from and after thirty days notice from the Federal Power '}‘,§§,,§’," P'§,‘3§,° ($,°,§{ Commission, or other authorized agency of the United States, to said {gg; i¤¢$¤¤;g cit or their successors, that desirable water—power development vempaaac. °° will be interfered with by the existence of said dam, the aut oritiy hereby granted to construct, maintain, and operate said dam shal terminate and be at an end; and any grantee or licensee of the W%;gg¤•m¢m$w United States proposing to develop a power project at or near said ew., asm. Y °°’ dam shall have authority to remove, submerge, or utilize said dam under such conditions as said commission or other agency may determine, but such conditions shall not include compensation for the removal submergence, or utilization of said dam. Sac. 3. That the right is hereby reserved to alter, amend, or repeal “"°"“"‘°'”* - this Act. Approved, March 3, 1927. · March , . ` CHAP. 385.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to exchange [8· for lands in private ownership in Gunnison County, Colorado, certain public lP“*’“°·N°·738·l lands in Delta County, Colorado. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repmsew chives o the vases sam of America in aww membzaz, what the seeaimy §‘:5.‘¥;.‘2§‘.i?·.,. Colo- of the Interior 18 hereby authorized and empowered, in his discretion, 3‘},°(,‘g‘,§‘,·§,,“§,§",,°,”;,‘jf’°‘ to exchange certaiiéopublic lands in the county of Delta, State of Colora o, descri as follows: The southwest iparter of the southwest quarter of section 2 the south half of t e south half of section 3, the north half of the north half of section 10, and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 11, all in townshxg 13 south of range 91 west of the sixth principal meridian, · r other lands of approximately equal aggregate v ue