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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1412

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1372 SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 335-337. 1927. now owned by the Juanita Coal and Coke Company, a Colorado corporation, and situate in the county of Gunnison, State of Colorado, escribed as follows: The east half and the southwest ,,m,”_ quarter of section 19, all in township 13 south of range 90 west mlzzgialwdmuw- of the sixth principal meridian: Provided, That by such action ' he will be enabled a vantagaqusly to consolidate the holdings of coal R"‘""*°“·_ lands by tha United States: And further, That patent to be ixued south half of e southwest quarter of section 3, township 13 south., of range 91 west, shall contain appropriate V°’-3°· ¤·¤°*· notations astgroyided by section 9 of the Act of December 29, 1916 (Thirty-mn Statutes, page 862). ·

  • ““’*¤’*°Y °°¤*¤°¢ Sno. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized

to perform any and all acts and to make such rules an regulations as may be necessary and mr for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this Act into force and ehect. Approved, March 3, 1927. March . [s. CHAP. 836.-An Act To authorize the apggintment of an additional judge li EEE N°- md for the district court of the United States for t northern district of California. osmmn northern Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ""§‘§',§,‘¤°},‘§°§;dg, ,0 United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the President b¤¤PP¤*¤*·•d iw- is hereby authorized, by and with the advice and consent of the V¤¤-36»v-1<>87- Senate, to ap int a 'udgeto fill a vacancy created in the district court of the Uonited States for the northern district of California, occasioned by the death of Honorable John S. Partridge, who was a pointed as an additional judge in said district under the provisions V°l"2' "‘838‘ og the Act of Congress entitl "An Act for the ap intment of an additional circuit for the fourth judicial dgtrict, for the appointment of ditzonal district judges for certain districts, providing for an annual conference of certain judges, and for other purposes, ’ approved September 14, 1922. R°°*°°°°°· °*°- Sno. 2. The judge appointed hereunder shall reside in said district and his complensation and powers shall be the same as now provided 1,,,,,,,, immw by law for t e judges of said district. lr Sno. 3. This Act shall take effect immediately. Approved, March 3, 1927. March 3,1927.

 CHAP. 337.-An Act Authorizin the Secre`· of culture to collect

["“"”°· N°- "°·] we pubusn masses or the grade auailzapis nugzitalei eeaiilfd comm mma. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the °,{,§,};‘{§°,¥;}‘§’§§,?§g§ United States of Anwrica in 6'ongress assembled, That the Secretary g¢¤vk*¤¤z2¤¤i¤wj·rg-I of Agriculture be and he is hereby, authorized and d1rected_ to £$ii°°y.sR mm collect and publish annually, on dates to be announced by him statistics or estimates concerning the grades and staple length of stocks of cotton, known as the carry-over, on hand on the lst of August of each year in warehouses and other establishments of ,,ff“,,'{’“,*§‘,,§,{,’§§§; every character in the continental United States ,; and following such publication each year, to - ublish, at intervals 111 his discretion, _¤,,,,,,_ his estimate of the grades and) staple length of cotton of the then nflmg ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤• ¤¥ current cr0;i1i;hPr0mded, That not less an three such estimates saauiése ot mea-- shall be pub ` ed with respect to each crop. In any such statistics i‘§';'$,,,‘$,',,,‘,§‘§,,°°,‘{,‘,¥,‘?$"°‘° or estimates published, the cotton which on the date for which such V¤¤·¤°· ¤>·*7°· statistics are published may be recognized as tenderable on contracts of sale of cotton for future delivery under the United States Cotton Futures Act of All? 11, 1916, as amended shall be stated sepa- rately;1 efirom that w 'ch may be untenderable under said Act- as amen .