SIXTY-NINTH ooucnnss. sm. 11. ca. asv. um. 1373 Sno. 2. That the information furnished b an individual estab- I¤’°!’m*“°¤‘“'°’*h•d lishment under the provisions of this Actyshall be considered as g0£gi:1r?d.mmy um strict}; confidential and shall be used only for the statistical purpose for w ich it is supplied. Any employee of the De artment of ,,s§Q§,*;°**;$;*"$¤,°g';,},§ Agriculture who wit out the written authority of the Secretary of tion ty sriipayes, ¤ Agriculture, shall publish or communicate anyinformation g1vent”‘i°d°m°°°°" into hisipossession by reason of his employment under the provisions of this ct shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon convic- tion thereof be fined not less than $300 or more than $1,000 or P““"*‘m°""°'· imprisoned for a period of not exceeding one year, or both so lined an imprisoned, at the discretion of the court. Sno. 3. That It shall be the duty of every owner, president, treas- m{};1}i¤·$,§§€•{{)8%*¤,§,*d°:?_ urer, secretary, director, or other otlicer or agent of any cotton iymuamsahmz warehouse, cotton ginnery, cotton mill, or other place or establish- §§,,§§,T°°°,“{§,§{w§“%l§ ment where cotton is stored, whether conducted as a corporation, md firm, limited partnershi , or individual, and of any owner or holder of any cotton andp of the agents and representatives of an such owner or holder, when requested by the Secretary of Agricug ture or by any special agent or other employee of the Department of Agriculture acting under the instructions of said Secretary to furnish completely and correctly,_to the best of his knowledge, all of the information concernin the grades and staple length of cotton on hand, and when requested to permit such agent or employee of wE§°$.{Y.'§`§§§c@§ the Delpartment of Agriculture to examine and classify samples of M all suc cotton on hand. The request of the Secretary of Agricul— m;,°°°°” °l Mw ture for such information may be made in writing or by a v1siting representative, and if made in writing shall be forwarded by regis- tered mail, and the registry recei t of the Post Oilice Department shall be accepted as evi ence of such demand. Any owner, president, ,0§;,§’;‘,‘§,§,*‘Q,{§,{f“,§_”’Q,,,*‘,; treasurer, secretary, director, or other oilicer or agent of any cotton ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤r· warehouse, cotton ginnery, cotton mill, or other place or establish- ment where cotton is stored, or any owner or ho der of any cotton or the agent or representative of any such owner or holder who, under the conditions hereinbefore stated, shall refuse or willfugg negdect to furnish any information herein provided for or sh w` fully give answers that are false or shall refuse to allow agents or employees of the Department of Agriculture to examine or classify any cotton in store in. any such establishment, or in the hands of any owner or holder or o the a ent or representative of any such owner or holder, shall be ilty 0% a misdemeanor and, upon convic- P°”‘1°" tioéi thereolifilshgdg be Hneginmg less uphan $300 or more t an gll,000. C H wm mc. 4. e cretary o gric ture may coo rate wi any °°¤°'° °¤ department or agency of the Government, any Setate, Territory, g¤:$•:.t:¢h."°¤°m' District, or possession, or department, plgency, or political subdivision thereof, or any person; and sha have the wer to Auzumeyaxem. appoint, remove, and fix the compensation of such oihldegrs and ';'?.5.§T¤Kl°’°” °" employees, not in conflict with existing law, and make such expen itures for the purchase of samples of cotton, for rent outside the District of Columbia, printing, telegrams telephones, books of reference, periodicals, furniture, stationery, oiiice equipment, travel, and other supplies and expenses as shall be necessary to the adminis- tration of this Act in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, and ,,,§g;_';°d_°°°°”°'Y °°‘ there are hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money; in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may no. 5. at, o e repo ISSUO y e retary ture, -°¤ n ryillgr Sufhthpurposreifs ` d b th Sec of Agricul M ml *”"°°° °‘ pursuant to the Act entitled “An Act authorizing the Department :>§ K1irwr:p°ci>°i’•i of Agriculture to issue semimonthly cotton crop reports and pro- puvomdgm, .,,,,,.1. viding for their publication simultaneously with the ginning reports °d· of the Department of C0mmerce," approved May 3, 1924, only five
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1413