1374 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Smss. II. Cus. 337-339. 1927. shall be issued hereafter, one as of August 1, one as of September 1, xhuspf Ji one as tlpf Noyiember lh and one as gf Igecember 1i own state econitionan ro essotecro an w,‘,’g“°C§,§;}’_“;g*';,_‘°P the probable number of bales which will ge these rg rts moons. to be issued simultaneously with the cotton ` reports oimthe Bureau of the Census relating to the same dates, the two reports Du d ti be issued from the same place at eleven antemeridian o the ¤.d_°°°° m°°°°°" gwith day following that to which the respective reports relate. en suc date of release falls on Sunday or a legal holiday the report bekiisued at eleven o’clock antemeridian of the next succeedi wor a . ,,._.’§°,,Q,°,{*‘;§,°{’;”,*°$‘g{j Sno. The Secxyetary of A iculture shall cause to be issued a ivvpd ¤¤ Bgumrrgm 1 report on or before the 10th 5; of July of each year showingby $ur»¤ae¤¤¤1¤i°¤e`S°i° States and in tote the number of acres of cotton m cultivation on July 1, to be followed on September 1 and December 1 with an estimate of the acreage of cotton abandoned since July 1. Approved, March 3, 1927. Much 3, wz; CHAP. §88.—An Act To provide for the gppointment of an additional [Pug&*~;4g%_m__ of the District Court of the United States for e Northem District of New or . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ,,,§§§,‘,§, §,‘;'§;c§{°""°’° United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President u$<i¤igg¤;=15¤dz¤ ¤¤- of the United States shall agpoint, by and with the advice and viii? sis} p. msv, consent of the Senate an ad itional judge _of the District Court ‘“”°”°°"· of the United States for the Northern District of New York, who shall reside in said district and who shall possess the same powers, perform the same duties, and receive the same compensation as the ‘R¤¤d¤¤¤¤· present district Sgudge of said district; and that the oilicial residence of said judges all not be in the same or adjoining counties. Approved, March 3, 1927. Much 3, 19f[_ CHAP. 889.—An Act Authorizing the Secretary of War_to_convey to the city [$.48-=1·l of Springeld, Massachusetts, certain parcels of land within the Springfield [P¤¤1¤¢» N0- 742-1 Armory ihmry Reservation, Massachusetts, and for other purposes. Be at enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of S¤ri¤E1¤1d{M¤¤a the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the R§Q§’,$§u,,§‘m;'§§,'§}§’“YY Secretary of War be, and he hereby is, authorized and empowered §$¤g‘jY ‘°’ P“"“° ’“¥“‘ to convely bglqiiitclaim deed to the city of Springfield, Massachusetts, ' for pub 1C `g way fpurposes, and for no other purpose, all the right, title, and interest o the United States of America in and to certain strips or parcels of land within the Springfield Armory Military Reservaltlgn, dMassbag1usei&tsh the areas to be conveyed being particu y escri as o ows: V First - First parcel. Be ' ' g at a point in the bounda line between D°“°£§%g’ land of the United States and the highway alreadyfy established as Walnut Street, said point being located in the westerly line of Walnut Street extended and one and fifty-six one-hundredths feet southerly of the south line of Hickory Street; thence southerly ten degrees one minute Eftly seconds east, a distance of seventy·one and forty—six one-hundredt s feet; thence south ei hteen degrees forty- four minutes thirtygseconds east, a distance ofg seventy and twenty- nine one—hundredt feet; thence on a curve to the right of thirty feet radius, a distance 0f_thirtdy-five and forty-three one·h1mdredths feet; thence south forty-eight egrees fifty-four minutes fiftg seconds west, a distance of twenty-five and sixty-nine one-hundre ths feet,
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