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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1415

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Snss. II. Cu. 339. 1927. 1375 to the boundary line between land of the United States and the highway established as Mill. Street; thence south twenty·seven

thirty-two minutes ten seconds east, on said boundary line

a ` oe of sixtydive and twenty-two one-hundredths feet; thence north sixty-two egrees twenty-seven minutes fiftfy seconds east, a distance of nine and thirty-two one-hundredths eet; thence on a curve to the right of twenty feet radius, a distance of thirtdy—four and forty-nine one-hnmdredths feet; thence south eighteen egress forty-four minutes thirtgsseconds east, a distance of one hundre and seventeen and four-tent feet; thence on a curve to the left of two hundred one and seventy·eight one-hundredths feet radius, a distance of one hundred sixty-one and seventy-three one-hundredths feet; thence on a curve to the right of forty-two and seventy·six one- hundredths feet radius, a distance of forty-live and twenty-five one- hundredths feet, to a point in the westex· line of Oakland Street; thence north four degrees one minute fty-five seconds west, a distance of thirty-seven and forty-four one-hundredths feet to a point in the boimdary line between the land of the United States and the highway established as Allen Street; thence north eighty- two degrees eighteen minutes five seconds east by the said boundary line, a `stance of two hundred seventy and fifty-one one-hundredths feet to the northerly line of Allen Street; thence north eighty-seven degrees nineteen minutes ten seconds west a distance of one hundred ninety-seven and fifty-four one-hundredths feet; thence on a curve to the right of one hundred forty-three and one one-hundredths feet radius, a distance of sixty-seven and eleven one-hundredths feet; thence on a curve to the right of one hundred sixty-one and twenty- {ive one-hundredths feet radius, a distance of one hundred six and sixty·eight one-hundredths feet; thence north twen?-two degrees thirty·one minutes thirty seconds west, a distance of orty-nine and thirty-six one-hundredths feet; thence north eighteen deglrees forty- four minutes thirty seconds west, a distance o two hun red forty- eight and ninegseven one-hundredths feet; thence north twelve degrees twenty- ree minutes fifteen seconds west, a distance of forty- nine and forty-one one-hundredths feet; thence on a curve to the rig t of thigtg feet radius, a distance of forty-three and seventy-six one- hund ths feet, to a point in the above-mentioned boundary line between the land of the United States and the highway estab ished as Walnut Street; thence south seventy-one degrees eleven minutes twenty seconds west, by the said boundary line a distance of eighty- eiglit and seventy-four one-hundredths feet to the point of beginning. eaning to describe all that portion of Allen Street now owned mgisgdw ¤¤ ¤• ¤¤¤- by the United States, with additional land so that a highway sixty- xiimsueet. six feet wide at certain points may be constructed, as shown on gan entitled “ Springiield, Massachusetts, Department of Streets and ngineering, St:-gy of Proposed Widening of Allen Street between Hickory and O and Streets, prepared for the Board of Public Wgrks, January, %3925.” f h econd parcel. eginning at the intersection o the nort westerl S°°°¤d line of State Street and the westerly line of Saint James Avenuei mmpggsli thence south Hfty-six d?rees twenty-three minutes thirty-five seconds west, a distance o fifty·iive and Hfty-two one-hundredths feet; thence northerly by a curve of thirty-five and sixty-three one-hundredths feet radius, a distance of thirty·five and thirty-four one-hundredths feet; thence north twenty-six minutes forty seconds west, a distance of twenty feet; thence northwesterly by a curve of Hfty feet radius, a distance of twenty-eight and ninety·four· one-hundredths feet; thence north thirty-three degrees thirty·six minutes forty seconds west a distance of six hundredb and thirty and sixty-one one-hundredths feet; thence northwesterly by a curve of