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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1427

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SIXTY-NINTH comnsss. sms. 11. cs. ess. 1927. 1387 CHAP. 355.-——An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act authorising the Much 3» lm- censervatlon, production, and exploitation of helium gas, a mineral resource -.-.~l**;l‘.·»‘¥2it·l—. pertaining to the national defense, and to the development of commercial [P°b‘i°’N°‘"'8‘l aeronautics, and for other purposes." · Be it enacted the Senate and Home ayieljlefresentatives of the United States 0 America in Omzgrew as Zed, That the Act §§}{“m,,¤”·p ,,,0 entitled “An Act authorizing the conservation, production, and ¤¤¤¤¤<1¤¤.' ` ' exploitation of helium as, a mineral resource pertaining tothe national defense, and to gre develolpment of commercial aeronautics, and for other purposes," approved arch 8, 1925, be, and it is hereby, m}‘0IS:6d to m·'(l‘has gluotlisz mess oaf rod heh h ‘°‘°‘*,“m” l‘“‘°“ °° crrox 1. at or e u uc` `um with whic ,,,,,,,,,, ‘§,,,,,,_*,,§j to supply the needs of the Aiimy and N d) - andubgther branches of the g>;’cp;餀¤<g} ogoggj Federal Government, the Secretary of gmmerce is hereby author- ma¤s,¤¤¥'¤¤¤v»¤. ized to scqxuire land or interest in land by purchase, lease, or condem- nation, w ere necessary, when helium cannot be purchased from private parties at less cost, to exam for, procure, or conserve elium·bearing gas; to drill or o rwise test such lands; and to construct plants, pipe lines facilities and accemories for the produc- hom tion, storage, and repuridcation of helium: Provided, That any Bmcrvationofknown known helium—gas bearing land on the public domain not covered at §§¥“,‘§,‘;§§,?,§“{,’§, the time by leases or permits under the Act of February 25, 1920 ¤¢g,0, 0 ,8,, ' entitled ‘An Act to promote the mining -of coal, phosphate, oil, oil ` 'p` ' shale, gas, and sodium on the public domain} may be reserved for the purposes of this Act, and that the United States reserves the ownership and the ri ht to extract, under such rules and regulations as shall be prescribefby the Secretary of the Interior, helium from all gas produced from lands so permitted, leased, or otherwise ‘granted or development. “ Sno. 2. That the Bureau of Mines, acting under the direction of mgfcg mgm hilgug the Secretary of Commerce, is authorized to maintain and operate %pmu><1°°‘by "Miw helium production and repuriiication plants, together with facilities mu and accessories thereto; to store and care for helium; to conduct exploration for and production of helium on and from the lands acquired or set aside under this Act; to conduct experimentation and ,,§.§,{j§§,§_“‘°“‘°’ '°' research for the purpose of discovering helium supplies and improv- ing processes and methods of helium production, repurification, stora , and utilization. A " 3. That all Government plants operated by the Government ,:38 GgG;§¤¢§;,;¤e; or under lease or contract with it, for the production of helium shall limaiialim ol mma be under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Mines: Provekied, That ,*;*;**,1**,;,**;,,, on Mm the Army and Navy and other branches of the Federal service Amy, Navy, ac., me requiring helium may requisition it from the said bureau and make °‘?,I§“,,'3‘,p_ me payment therefor from any a plicable a propriation at actual cost of said helium to the United Sptates, including all expenses connected $,,,,,,,,3 my be therewith: Provided further, That any surplus helium produced 1¤¤¤¤<1¤>A¤¤¤ri¤¤¤¤· may, tmtil needed for Governmendté use, lgelleased to Ameriacsn or American cor orations un r re ations approv - e . _ President: Provzdgd further, That even though no surplus Jdxists, ¤¤I$°:3$m°i¤°iti°°n¤ helium in an amount not to exceed five thousand cubic eet in any one year may be leased or sold to aid scientific and commercial development upon approval of the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Navy, and the Secretary of Commerce, and under rielgulations Pwd cu approved by the President: And provwkied further, That moneys ,,,,dm§ ,.23, received from the sale or leasing of helium shall be credited to a helium-production accoimt and shall be and remain available for Rm tm _ the pu oses of this section; and that any gas belonging to the m,y-,,E’,§,mv_,_‘” °°‘°° Unitedrgtates, after the extraction of helium or any by-product not needed for Government use, shall be sold; and the proceeds of such