1388 SIXTY~NINTH CONGRESS. Sims. II. Cris. 355, 356. 1917. sales in excess of the cost of said gas or by~product shall be depoeited in the Treasury to the credit of miscellaneous receipts. 'II§gI*j{“¤¤¤§“s;I}{I*jI¤’gI} “ Sm. 4. That hereafter no helium gas small be exported from the me Pruxgxili. rcrbid- United States, or from its possessions, until after a plication for °°“‘ suohmxportstiou has been made to the S0¢1‘B\§ of gommerce and permhsxomfok said exportation has been obta` fmmthz President of tb•U¤ibd¢ &at¤s,, on the {gint recommendation of the Secretary of W|r,.tIi• Scndzaryiof the avy and the Se¤ntu·gI:f Commerce. ,,§I§§‘,‘f"”‘°“‘ ‘°' "°‘ {Hist any poison violating any of time .1-Iprovisiona of t ' section shall beguilty ofsimisdemeenor and sh be punished by • ine of not more than $5,000 or by imprisonment of not more thanone year, or b liothmichnino and imprisonment, and the Federal courts of the £1it•dc8t•.tes are herebg gtngmted jurisdiction to try and determine M§_§’E*•§,]°;y**°g *"*§ 5; The*Secretary; of War and the Secretary] of the Navy mma. ma "‘eaoh»designate representatives to cooperate with t e Desgartment of gommeroeixicarrymg out the purposes of this Act; and all have “ couiphte rightof acoessto plants, data, and accounts. ’ I_LIipmv¤d}MArch 3,1927. ‘
· CK;} .c Act To amend section 2 of an Act entitled "An Act author- iii¤8· Yéntikhtionu by tlio Secretary of Ithe Interior and the Secretary of Com-
merce ointly jo determinectlze location, extent, and mode pf occurrence of potash depoi iu the United States, and to couduotrlsboratory tnmte." Be it enacted! by the Senate and H owe of Regraemdivea of the 1Q°,,}'?‘,‘}$?.§_“§’g,,,d. United States of America in Oongresa aasemb J, That section 2 ·<*· Public Numbered 424, Sixty-ninth Congress, beoiuneuded to read. , 4»¢¢,p.10s1, afpuéwv I I. ,m°°°,_{’“‘“°“,, ““°°' — ?‘ Sno. · 2.4The Secreta - of the Interior and the Secretary of rim ¤¤::*¤¤:;-Lgt? Commerce jointly are helryeby authorized within their discretion, to cooperate formal agreement witb individuals, associations, I, I corporations, States, and municipalities, educational institutions, or Contracts with otherbodies, for the purposes of this Act: Provided, That before
drilling operations uponany tract ortracts of land
the deposits 0 which are not the property; of the United States, the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce {ointly shall enter into a contract or contracts with the owners or essees, or both, of the mineral rights therein and the aforesaid RWIIYIO IIN GW contractor contracts shall provide, among otiaer things, that, if ernment on nu oi deposits of pouch minerals or oil shell be discovered in pursuance §§§:“ ““?* °“’ “‘°¥°' of operations under said contract or contracts and if and when said mineral deposits shall be mined and sold, the owners. or lessees, or both, of sud mineral rights shall {ay to the Government and its Pgymmmwmm ooopcrators a royalty of not less t an 2% {rxr centum of the sale until expimuqu cost value of- any ·f70t8S}Z\»H].lI18fB.1S· and oil there m, said a ‘ ents to “‘°" continue jmti such time as the total amount derived) Errlgm said royalty is equal to not morethanl thecost of the exploration, as may Rumbummont be determined by the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary umm. to mm in an of Commerce jointly: Provided furtiwr, Thai; all- Federal claims ’°“”‘ for reimbursement under this Act shall automatically expire twenty years from the date of approval of the—contracts» entered into in accordance with the provisions thereof, unless sooner terminated by agreexnent between the owners or lessees of the potash mineral rights No I I on and oil and_the Secretary of' the Interior and the Secretary of ¤m11m¤1¤¤¤¤,¤¢¤. Commerce ;0mtly: Provided further, That said contract or contracts shall not restrict the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce jointly in the choice of drilling locations within the