SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cu. 356—359. 1927. 1389 or iu the conduct of th explorato rations long as C°°‘”“°°'·
or conduct do ust interiereryugPr:asonaBl(;§S0with the
surface of the land or with the improvementaither ,e andsaid contract or contracts shall provide that the United States shall not be liable for damages on account of such reasonable use of the surface as may be necessary inthe proper conduct of the work." Approved, March 3, 1927. I _,
Be it by the Senate and Home of Representatives of the United 5'tatee of America 23z~0¢mgress assembled That the Secretary Sc§°’g,j*g§,{‘ ‘°‘”**¤ of thelnterior be, and he .is;heu.·ehy, purohme from AP¤g·;1¤}¤¤g1¤¤¤fr¤{¤¤ Anetfo J. rams, as an aaaam to we Umm sam miles semi ...*1; e n.§.?f’°&..,‘Z farm near Phoenix, of the southwest quarter °"“‘°’*‘°"· cf.tho_n0rtheast quarterof. 20, townshipill north, range 3 east,-Gila and Saltvlhver Base meridian,.south of the Grand Canal; in Maricopa County, Arizma, containing ' hteen acres, more or less, subject to assessments levied? thereon by the Salt River Valle§sWater Association, to secure the hgzymeut of certain bon; and notwithstanding section 355 V of '§`{"§ ,,_,,, Statutes, the Secretary of-the Interior is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to aeoept,.as.conve£ng good title to the United Sta-tes, the deed executed y` the said J . Pearson on August 28,1925. Approved, March 3, 1927. ` CHAP. 858.·——An Act To authorize r capita payments to the Indiansof the Cheyenne River Reservation, South Basket;. g Public, Nc. 761.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary ¤»vci`»ei•?¤$l€`i°1ii»i¤v?'R°° of the Interior lbs, and he is hereby, authorized, in his discretion ,0P°',,,d°g§“,g’,j"{’,$,'g,§ and under such es and regulations as he may prescribe, to make ¤ib¤H¤¤¤¤- reasonable per capita payments to the Indians of the Cheyenne River Reservation from their tribal funds on deigsit in the Treasury WL ss, M of the United States under section 6 of the t of May 29, 1908 p' (Thirty-fifth Statutes at Large,,page.463). A ° Approved, March 3, 1927. · CHAP. 359.-—An Act To authorize the Director of the United States Ueter~· ans’ Bureau to make loans to veterans upon the security of adjusted service lP¤b¤°· N°·7°2·] certificates. 7, _ Be it enacted by the Se y and House of Representatives o the United States of Arnev-ica%eC'o·rtgress assembled,. That sectiorii 502 c:El¤‘B:e°LA°.ii:m of the World War Adjusted Compensation Act is amended by adding ,,5 “·*’· ‘”·"“‘°""‘ at the end thereof the *fo1lowingUnew subdivisions :. LM nvm “ of tig; niteg States ’Veterans’ gureau gs hpd¤·{L1:i aut er%' ‘ ·t V` u suchio ssrn atisuch regional o ces, su ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,°‘,,,,,,,, oiH can hospitals of the United States Veterans? Bureau as he an m ate, and out‘of‘the’Unitsd States Government life insur- VOL ,3, ,,_ m ance fun established by section 17 of the World War Veterans’