SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. H. Cu. .365. 1927. 1395 . (e) Perform such otherduties as the Secretary .may direct in ,,2‘:*d,;F_‘;’j°_t°““ due connection with the promotion of the industries, trade, or commerce of the United States; _ (d) Make such inspections of the foreign commerce service as the Secretary ·may’direct. · V . Y ‘ Sno. 3. (.0.) The Secretary ia authorized to appoint officers of the _,g§,”’§,‘§,§‘“;",§‘,, EQ; forsisncommerce service, but only afteneggibi ity has been deter- ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤~ ` Eby examinations held by t e (lvil rvice Commission and thai Department 0f'.C0l11lIl81’C0 in coordination, under regéuiations approved by the Civil Servwe Commission, exoe t that the rotary ,,,§§”§’,§°’B°,§,*g;u”°‘§,§ ma , with the approval of the Civil Service Sommission, appoint g¤¤¤¢¤ ¤¤¤ Dmtgogg without:-xuch examination any person who, prior to the date on which a41"i`m.$°L’°iA. e:•lni¤a· this Act takes effect, has served, or has passed an examination for “°‘“· appointment, Tascommercial attaché, assistant commercial attaché, trade. commissioner, division .head,_ assistant trade commissioner commercial agent, or special agent m the Bureau of Foreign ancl Domestic Commerce. - e ‘ ~ (b) The Secretary shall appoint each officer of the foreign com- ,,§,,‘“,§?‘§m°f,§‘§;‘“““* merce service to a grade specified in section 1, and to one of the following classes and shall fix his compensation within the salary range specified for such class: Glass 1, $8,000 to $10,000; class 2, • $6,000 ¤¤a$8,000; ¤1•¤¤ 3, $4.090 to $6,900; »<=1¤¤= 4, $3,000 to $4,000; _ class 5, below $3,000. In makmg appomtmeutsto a grade and class wiwigggam M and in iixmg compensation the Secretary shall take mto considera- tion the examination and erecord of the officer and the post to which assigned, and the various commercial interests of the diferent sectmnsofthecountry. s y , -. .~ (c) The Secretary 18 authorized to promote or demote in do m$g°§u°g1¤0&·f°%°•>· or class, to i.ucrease‘0r;decrease within tbe_salu·y range -5xe§nfor ‘ ` the class the compensation of, and to separate from the service officersof the foreign commerce service, but in so doing the Secretary shall take into consideration records of eiliciency maintained under his direction. . . = V -.·. Pm of ’ (ii) .Any`oiHcer of the foreign commerce service may be cassigped mma to ¤¤£°§“}§ for utyfin the United States for a period of not more than t ree U“"°° “”'·°* years without change in grade, clam, or salary, or with such change asthet Secretary may direct. . _ a, y , I , - ’ (e) The Secretary, of Commerce is authorized, whenever he deems bulge? §,;°‘:•¤°:n*; it would b¤,rin the public interest, to order to the United States um. yam- mm on his statutory, leave of absence any foreign commerce oEoer who °°""°‘ has pegormed three years or m01‘¤ of econtinuous service Abroad: P " That the expenses of transportation anclsubsisteiioe Anmuias ot ex- such·,officers,and. their 1I111Il6dl8t8;f8»m.l ies, in traveling g·*,78_*;{¤g§°ug$‘?hg;;1g posts to their homes in the United States and‘return,&shall -be&•;id me mununzwpcm under the same rules and regulations applicable in tbecsse of-go rs going tovand returning fwm their posts \111d6!$¤0l'd$lY8 of,1t§e»Secre- tary of Commerce when not- on leave: .Pw'0’vid6d, f!|7Y”|»6T; , atzwbilv uigfrilzlfaugnmpya in the United States the services of such ofiioers be available ‘°°'* for trade conference work and for such other duties in the ment ofgpmmercefand elsewhgg in the United States as the » — ta of mmerce ma. prescr' · . . ~.,; . r__ _ T , ligne. 4; (a) Subjectyto the requirements of the civil service laws mgfff ’§{,‘j°f,;"L‘f?,,‘£§_' and rules, the isauthorizecl to appoint, fix _the compensa- •*°~·'°*°¤°¤ . tion of, promote, demote, and' separate from theaservice Such, clerks and other assistants for oflicers of the foreign commerce servieeas he may deem necessary. _ E pl mcm_ (b) When authorized by the Secretary and in accordance with ml ¢:10l&¤. ..1. the regulations of the Civil Service Commission, officers of the W °$°°” foreign commerce service may employ in a foreign country, from time to time, fix.tl1e compensation of, and separate from the service such clerical and subclerical assistants as may be necessary.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1435