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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1436

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1896 sxxrrmuirn oouomass sssarr. cas. ses. 1927. 0*** ¤“~ ,¤• •~[· c Sac..5. (1)..Any odiccr of thef ' '-commerce service designated Ii';§:<i;‘¤;°£{L mem- gy ther8eoretaivy»of Commerce through the_Department_of tate, be regularly and oHic1ally attached to the diplomatic mnsmon _ of the UnitedStates in thecountryfin. which he is tobe wationed. Arnngmmt if no If any such oilicer is to be stationed in_a country in which there is no m””°“ °°""'°°"' diplomatic inisaionioftthe United States, appropriate recognition and A M (mn wding,¢witlrifutgilifaE·cgHties~for '(li;0g:1‘g11lgTl;C1lB oilicial uti2s,.may w nrnngedi -5 i ez pm t ’o4 ate.·‘ ea Secretary _o State_ tw. ‘“’ “°°‘°°‘” ruthless ct anylsuehodicer n in#hisjudg)r‘;1ent~the_assign· ment ofssucli odicertoqthe would preyudicxal to » ~ tl1e·p¤b1ic·policy<of the Uni V Statesr c _ _ mggjfggwfbm . No cficeriof the foreign commerce service shall be considered as aving·the·chamacter·o£,a-public minister. . —· » m'§_f°;’,§‘0w¥_'},‘},,’,fg,”$,‘,§§j Src; ..:6.1 ».(a·)~w.A>¤y » omoer, · clerk, employee,. or assistant of _ the sights ugey t]iq¤eau,n£.§?¢;lrdl§;:sndfIt?hom§a]stil;6E1}oérmeme, Evhile onhduty gutside `Y ""` econtincnt _' c e ni . tatesan away omt epost mmpcm to which he is assigned, shall be entitled to receive his necessary J traveliggexpenses; and his expensesjincurred for subsistence, or per _ disp;} a dggvance mfliegiéthereof, inaccondancp witlaglaw, inc%uding, sussumwewunese- at. e ' retiono ·t · . etary Yexpenses or su `stence or the · °°d° °°°h°r` entirei period while `· attending a trdde gathering, con , or confer- I ence,*and; in any other-case, for the entireperiod (bait not exceeding mtg dpiys) wlnleremainmg continuously in anu? one places i ,_ _ ,E°m,m°“‘¤, ““"’}"‘“’j L ( hee may ·author1ze any 0 cer o ‘ the foreign Zn,¤m.Z¤Z•l°i2taii:a°m service to Ex, at an amount not exceeding the allowance ized for such oilicer, an allowance for actual subsistence, or ‘a per diem allowance in lieu thereof, for any clericalor subclerical assistant A nm on ein loyedbysuch odicer under,subdivision"(b) _cf section}. -, I d¤,§°m'“°°Um,,d Bum i _ c) Any cmccr, Lclerk, enip‘lo{?e, or= assistant, while -on dug W1 the continental limits of t e nited States, shall be entitl t0`l’B08lVG,tlC16`g_.iZ1°8.VBl.lIlg expenses and actual egpenses incurred. for D D wb per dienrallowance in lieu thereo , authorized by law, m,,,”",,,°"°‘*(,,,,,,,,f,,, Sno. 7. y apsropnation available during the Hscal year ending g;£K;g·%g¤¤ mx June»80,_1926;=an thereafter for the Department of Commerce for manner commercial attachés, `or for spromotmg commerce _in Euro ` and other areas, South or, Centra America, or the Far East, shall be ' available for canaying out the provisions of this Act, including- the

 »p)ayment cfssala es and compensation _for’personal services, in the
 Columbia or elsewhere, necessary ganitcnand messenger

serv1ce,·t1·avellng·and subsistence expenses an per diem allowances the rchaseci necessary furniture and equipment, stationery, and “m£§a-“#f .t.....°”°’""*.§.‘;‘g;;d°1‘:.‘“‘§4; 2;*** °&‘££;;“'}% · _ e a _ e u o a o reference andperiotlicals, mild domestic newspapei reports, docninentsgj maps, Lplans, specifications manuscripts, and all other Mmm. » t #¤°°¤‘$¤',7',P*¥bl¥¢¤*·¥9!$¤»l$h¤ P¤y1l1¢¤§_ol;rent’-outs1de the District cf mmuhx ,,,"'2_ Qclumb a, and other incidental expenses. Wltll. the •¤=·· •¤>¤¤•¢ approyal ef the Secretary, an oilcer, of the foreign commerce service ·may,‘enter*mtc leii.ee§Iforto§ice_qu:irte1*s and may pay rent, tele hone, subwriptions to ipti ications, and other similar charges in aillvancc in a country, where custom or payment in

  1. ¤¤¤•¤***••°¤¤¤•· · Snc2“;8.;This°;Act shall take effect upon its enactment. E
 AR¤€6Y¤d§  3·. 1927 ·t"`