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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1437

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS,. Sees. II. Cue. 366-369. 1927. 1397 (mn, .. Auf]; - uma . 5,%:; e. ,_,...°""“3.,... *%.}.*:2 :‘;$‘,£3‘§i.*,2, $12 Bea: by the Senate and House of Re esentatéeeslof the Utes.: smmym Amerika et eww m»mbzeZT#r1¤e the names; ”°°’° of Public Bu ' s and Public Parks of the National Capital is me szgzb wu, mil hereby authorized to remove the iron gates from West Executive ,’§,';,',,{,,,_ “°‘·‘° "° Avenue between the Qounds of the White House and the State, War same pm to re and Navy;Bu11din . ut-the stone piers tolwlnch they are attached mm shall not be disturbed. Approved, March 3, 1927.

  • A . . . Mar•h3,l921.

grf5'°“mcet$£7e ‘2£O,‘?sZ2ti“€£€£*'%‘£§ §£?u‘£§”£:°.§’J§1'§H£“At§’e2‘$i1`i}§’.¥h§x'$,?§r'i‘3..‘2§’£ eu. · Be enacted by the Senate and House of Re A esentatives of the United .States of America in Qongress assemgbred, That there is c,,]B{°,Y,°,§ hereby authorized to_be appropriated the sum of $50,000 to enable 8*%*%, mthmm the Secretary of Agriculture to cooperate with the South Carolina ni cgcgeepmmvgtét Agricultural Explemment Station sind/or othe1&aLgeuc1esk11l;1(1irxaking ,,,,‘{‘i,,‘L£,.,§k,,; investi ations an experiments in; airying an vestoc ` ustries °°· and ofi the Erobgems pertagindgnto the establishment ani] develop- ment 0 suc in ustries in u g cropp` systems, so` improve- ment, and farm organihation studies ofmsgxch industries, and for mi$}¤i`Zrdu'Zfsg·iii°1?- demonstration, assistance, and service in developing the agriculture °“°· of the Sand Hill region of the Southeast. Approved, March 3, 1927. CHAP. 868.-+An Act To authorize an appropriation to rehabilitate the Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey. I [HblE» N0-md Bietit enacted by the Senate and House of lzipresentatéoes of tile HM Am B1 Umted States of Amenca m Uongress _asse led,_ That there IS N_,_ °”’ “ V hereby authonzed to be appropriated, out of money in the Treasury ,0;*—g¤g;b»gi},&¤;¤¤¤:i,¤¤d of the United States not otherwise appropriated, the sum of °° ` $2,3413348 for and rebuilding the .I’icatinny Arsenal in New ersey, including the necessary construction, the purchase and mstallation of machinery and uipment, and the purchase ef approximately three hundred and Eity acres of land in the vicinity of e arsena . Approved, March 3, 1927. t0%§AIQ,%rt8Ig‘9i1eili.*:ix; To authorize a per capita payment from tribal funds EQ2; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep·resentati#ves· of the United States of America in Congress assembled That the Secretary I,§,,°f,f Hm ‘“"‘“‘“· of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized to withdraw from w!;·>=l<=·¤v¤*¤ v¤¤¤¤¤ the Xrzasgrgiei ghigrggim sums e4oo,000 or me me meme by g{.§x'§¤4‘32.¥¤°‘i»I?‘f$.‘H e c o a ~ · - th y (Forty third Statutes at Large, page 118), vo, ,3 ,_m_ { _ . · p and now, on depos1t therem to the credit of the Indians o t e Fort Hall Reservation, Idaho, as compensation for their land submerged by the American Falls Reservoir, and to distribute said sum amon said Indians equally, share and share alike, under such rulesand regulatmns as he may prescribe. a . Approved, March 3, 1927.