l$8 SIXTY-=NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II.?Cns. 370, 371; 1927.
To the granting of Federal aid ln respeetnof
Bc it enacted by the Senate House of Rep·reégntat1$¢:ea_of_t}w m}';§°¤*•*d ‘° “°•°° United of Ame1¤ioa~i6r¢‘0ong•·eea,·aaeen¤bZed, That notwith- b ¤gg··;M_,g> ,;;*1 mnmngsuy ogthe Act enu`t1eg1‘“An Act; to provide that ,J.m§d{,',¤;..;.,.§ the%Umted shallhud the—States m the oonstmction~of¥rural ` ferlother nrpoeep,"·epproved July 11 1916,* or v¤w.v.•¤¢ of the I _, of may vox. 42. p. m. extend on themie ‘and_·m· the=same manner as m the oonstruc· tion of any free bridge, Federal aid under auch Acts, in the con- struction of any_tpll msg? and approaches thereto, by, any State or States, or political su vision or subdivisions thereof uémn the '1‘¤¤1•¢<>:m¤•¤¤> céondition bidgfe is"ownedi§1id_operatti1d byfsuchd glp I -t’·t°S¤. 4°1`P9, .»S“ .n§*°¥*9l`S“ .V*$l°¤S °"°° Ju} ..“+ tolls thereofyless the {ctua.1 costof operation and maintenance, are apphed to the_ repayment to the W- » M gg 5§“§‘3 q‘i¥.£*$.*°5;’»25iK212£L‘2°*L€“cZd‘me¤"“§30§1i“§i§iI’E?§Sgt,“’L2’§°£;»§E §·§°°§°m°?°" hm the further that when- the amount contributed by such State or or political subdivision or subdivisions thereof, in ` tliegeonstruetion of such brld? shall have been aid from the . tolls, the collection of tolls for t e use of such bridgemsiall thereafter mag:-·¤¤¤ ¤_ thesame shall be maintained and operated asa free ‘ Approved, 3, 1927. ¥i&I·f`;.i&·;7]` CHAP. 371.-—An Act For the irrigation of additional lands within the Fort 'TFi_b1i¤. ¤· 774- Hall Indianvirrigation project in Idaho. _ · Be at enacted I3; the Senateiaoul House of Req_1i]esentatiocs of the R§§,‘“’£_f“.§xd‘?Il,;§‘l*; Urged ge egaamn lcd, at tlégge is hereby Ammt au on “ appropria ou 0 an money in Try
m°¤°° not otherwise appro riated, the sum of $yl45,000 for the extension
of the irrigation overan area of nine thousand six hundred - and seventy acres within the Fort Hall project, Idaho, between Fort I;_P¤:“•¤•- H I to Hall and Gibeon:.Provided _That the lands to be benefited shall nw nlm or cost or bear their Eire rata share of the cost of providing irrigation facilities §'?_“'°*“‘““”' "'°’°°‘· therefor w `ch shall includeia proper pligiportionate p are of rehabil- V¤1.4¤,v-568. it;;2in?Ftl::£;l`om projg as provf;5 fo; in the Itcgttplf May M, 1 A _-seoon l , fa an t ram unt hereinauthoriaed to. be a prgpiqsted, or so’much thereof as (inay be expended, together with the proper (proportionate share of the cost o pgoviding irrixgon facilities, as etermined by the Secretagy of the_ terior, for _land that was expended out of the fun s authorized to be appropriated bythe said Act of May 24, 1922, shall miaydhmim ages reimbursed on a per acre basis by the lands benefited;_and_that °"“°"‘“ · in case of lands stillheld in Indian ownership for which irrigation facilities shall provided under the proyisions of‘_this;Act,_ there is a first hen against such lands which shall be recited in any
158uBd therefor and shall be enforced by the Secretary of the
or under such rules and regulationsand conditions as he may nop?} Eggs una: preqcmbe: Provgdcd further, That in case of any lands not held m mp to mm ,1,,,,,. ndian ownership that may be benefited, hereby, the owners of such gg? *°‘ °°”°°°“°¤ lands shall to execute an agreement with said Secretary of the Interior creating a first lien a amst such lands to assure repayment of the proper fproportionate iam of the construction cost prior to the delivery 0 water to any such lands: And provided