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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1439

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 371-374. 1927. 1399 ‘ Mr, That u n ayment of the total r acre cost asessable mf,*¤°¤g“°•”‘°°°•" {vgaitinst any traclioor involved, the Sepcietary of the Interior men:. I wm lm-` may execute a release of such lien for such tract or tracts. Approved, March 3, 1921.

 Actl To agtdhorlzuzean appropriapiop tothenaslgz them  ¥{;‘f°§’_€’6L;,2?]‘

V1 0 . W 6 UO _ rmaoiag seniors ne£i·°Tah1e:;¤uah,eClll:roke•: ciiotirig )Ckl,:homa. y rp 'P °“°‘ N° ml Be it enacted by the Senate and House of8€!:g21·esentatives of the United States of America in Oongness ass Zed That there is T,§a'§g;*gg’g*;h®$’3Q,*: hereby- iauthorized to be appropriated the sum oi $12,000, or so b;sm·>¤¤= aurricrmd much thereof as maybe necessary, to enable the Secretary of the "°°"°°°"' Interior todrill and equip a well and impound the water 1n order to an adequate supply of water for the use of the Sgnoyah Oghan Training Schoo near Tahlequah, Cherokee unty, · O ahoma. _ . Approved, March 3, 1927. . s March 3, 1927. CHAP. 378.-An Act Authorizin negotiations for the acquisition of a site for the farmersfproduce market, for other purposes. [P“b1‘°· N°· 77*] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Zl;$presentat27ves of the United States of America in Congress assemb , That the Commis- nsmoroxcoxomtm sioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, author- ,,§€°“§,§’§§‘,f,‘§";§,f,,“,*{’gg ized and directed to negotiate for the acquirement but shall not M ¤¤¤¤¤¤=¤¤· contract to a uire a site for the farmers’lproduce market., at a cost not to exceedq§600,000 and to repgrt to Congrem with their recom- mendations not later than Decem r 15, 1927. i Approved, March 3, 1927. V ' Mamh8,1i¤7. CHAP. 74.-+ Act To establish a national mili k at the battle -.l;l.u l.._ H·B·°"°- asm of swims Tennessee. ‘ my' W r M- N°-mi Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in 0'ongress assembled, That a commission m§¤¢:,¤;¤ukRiw Ne- is hereby created to be-composed of the following members, who Commission umm. shall be appointed by the Secretary of War: · S (1) A commissioned oiicer of the Corps of Engineers, United ¤£r¤¤Y EMM! 0* Mw Army; ’ ' mi(2) A veteran of the Civil War who served honorably in the wl,i,°{,°§,‘Z,,£,t°°°° CMI itary forces of the United States; and ’ p (3) A veteran of the Civil War who served honorably in the C£}}“$$d.S"$‘,°,,,,$,§Lt°°°“ militaryiforces of the Confederate States of America. lm i of Sm. 2. In appointing the members of, the commission created by ,,,§,`§,'Ls,,§?° °°° section 1 of this Act the Secretary of War shall, as far as racticable, select persons familiar with the terrain of the battle held of Stones River, Tennessee, and the historical events associated therewith. ~ Sno. 3. It shall be the duty of the commission, actin under the ,,,I,g‘§§’,‘§§‘l§,§f,}lB'§g’,g‘{,F direction of the Secretary of ar, to inspect the battle field of Stones }t{__v¤r· for emma Raiver, Tennessee, and tocarefull stu y the available records, and historical data with respect to the location and movement of all troops which engaged in the battle of Stones River, and the impor- tant events connected therewith, with a view of preserving and marking such field for historical and professional militag study. The commission shall submit a reportof its findings an srecom- nope-: or oomma- mendations to the Secretary of War not later than December 1, 1927. “i°°‘