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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1440

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l4® SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sims. II. CH; 374. 1927. °°¤••!*•· Such rgport shall describe the plortion or portions of land within the ` area o the battle Held-whic the wmmission thinks should _be acqiiired and embraced in a national park and the i rice at which suc land can be purchased and its reespnable marhet value; the report of the commission shall also embrace amap or maps showing the lines of battle and the locations of all troops eng%ed in the battle of Stones River and the location of the land wh1c it recom- mends be acquired for the national park; the report of the com-

 shall contain recommendations for the location of historical

tablets at suchpoints on the battle field, both within and without the land to be for the park, as they may deem fitting and necessary ¤to,;:1ear y d ons and movements of troops

 events _ with the battle of Stones River.
,,,*,;,g"“',,,,"F,‘;,? ‘ ‘§‘,‘m,,Y§ a Sno. 4. The Secretary of War is authorized to assign any onicials

M of’»the.NVa1· Degartment to the assistance- of the commission if he deems it e- tHe is authorized. to paythe reasonable eipenses ofethe and their. assistants incurred in theact per- . formance of the duties herein imposed upon them. _. ,,,,{,g,g"§,F"§,"i,‘,§,fi‘d,LE',’_ Src. 5. That upon receipt of the report of said commission, the ¤·¤D¤¤" 0, i Secretary of war be, and he is hereby, `authorized and directed to um. acquire, by purchase, when apurchasable at prices deemed l? him reasonable, otherwise by con emnation, such tract or tracts o lands as are recommended by the commission as necessary and desirable for a national park; to establish and substantially mark the boundaries of the said-park; todeiinitely mark all lines of battle and locations oftroops mthinthe boundaries of the park and erectisubstantial

 tablets at such points within the park and inthe vicinity

of the park and its aggroaches as are recommended bythe commis- V together- su other Tgoints asthe Secretary of War. may (g°"‘?,{‘{,‘,;,m,(,,,_ deem a;3>ropriate:_Provo2$ed,,_ at the cntireycest ofeacquiringsaid land, in udmg cost of condemnation proceedxngls, 1f_any, ascertain- ment of title, surveys and compensation- for at epland, the cost of marking the battle eld, and the expenses of the commission, shall "° b' ”‘° Bm" Dogoxcgedigladzsumoftlilogegwl f ' ii di ti b ith il isl t f m mem nc.. ,un e mgojuriscon eeg aure_o g¤°::;·;*,,,¤¤ §d1¤¤¤§ the State of Tennlgsee andthe report of the Attogney General or the United States that a perfect title has been acquired, the lands acquired under. thetgylovisions of this Act, togetherswith the area already inclosed wi ' the national cemetery at the battle field of Stones River andthe Government, reservation in said battle field upon which is erected a lar e monument to the memory of the officers and soldiers.0f.General ]i£zen’si brigadewvho fell on-the spot, are herebyNdecl°;1;1ed a national park, to be known as the Stones River ati c r ~ . , , N V °,‘$,°§ff°' °‘ 8°°°°°” Sac. 7. That the said Stones River National Park shall be under the control of the Secretary of War, and he is herebi authorized to “°¤’“'°“”‘°””‘· make all neededregulations for thecare- of the par The super- intendent ofrthe}Stones River National Cemetery shall likewise be the sugsrintendeut of and have the custody and care of the Stones River. Pkg under thedirection o the Secretary of War. “'§°m,§,i‘,§,,"“§‘, Sno. 8.. That the ot War is hereby~author1zed_to enter E2-il, fg v¤*•¤¤¤¤ into agreements, upon such nominal terms as he may prescribe, with » ' such. presentowners. of the land as may desire to remain uponeit, to occupy and cultivate their present holdings, upon condition. that they will preserve the present uildings and roads, and the present out- lines of Sold rand orest, andthat they will only cut trees or under- bmsh under such. regulations as the Secretary prescribe, and that theywillrassist m caring for and protecting tablets, monu- ments, or such other artificia works as may from timeto time be erected by proper authority. ` ·