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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1441

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—SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS; Sane. II.- Ons. 37+-376. 1927. 1401 Sad. 9. That it shall be lawful for the autlioritieaof anyLState .:}g•_•g_g,_¤_,¤g having troops in the battle of Stones River to enter upgn the tabern-

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ang•ged_= therein: beaore any such- are per- {g;••,;,,,_,,,,__ uamntlyudengnated, the position of the lines and the proposed we br ¤•¤·¤•¤ ¤¤

 marking them by monuments, tablets, orotherwise shall "’

be to the of War, and shall ilirst receiveethe written agiprovahof the Sec . · · Sno; 1 . That if any person shall willfully destroy, mutilate, ,,,{f”'{‘,§f,,,"{‘,,,‘f"‘?,,‘§?_; defactyinjure, or remove any monument, column, statue memorial P¤>¤•¤¥· stmctm~e,orworlro·fartthatshallbeerected<:‘r·!1{slaced upon-the grotmds of thepark b lawful authority, or shall »' fully destroy or remove any fence, e' , inclosure,`or other workfor the rotectiou or ornament of said ‘ or ang portion thereof, or shali willfully destroy, cut, hack, bark, reak own, or otherwise in'ure any tree, budi, or shrubbery that may be growin upon saidparh, or dull cut down_er fell orremove any timber ‘batt§e‘-relic, tree, or trees or being upon such ark, except by per,miesion¤of the Secretary eo War, or shall remove or destroy any breastworks, earth· works, wallsigr other defenses or dnelter,·or any pzrt thereof, con- structed by; armies formerly engagedinlhe hott V on the landaor approaches to the park,’any-person so odending shall beguilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before any court of competent jurisdiction, shall for each and every such ofense be lined not ess than $5 nor more than‘$100; Sw-.11·__Thnt¢b¤ sus? oxg§00.$. or ¤¤ m¤ch ggwgf •¤ ¤¤¤y.b¤ ¤·"‘“°°“‘¤·¤»····¢¢'?"""'° n ,1s. 'au or"to a :;or1ated,', (_o”‘m¤¤;»g e in ry" ngt otherwise apglropprgatrgl, to be for P I purposes of this Act: Provided, at no obligation forpthe purchase cwadm. ofjandsshall be incurred until the commission has lixed the bound- aries of said park. ` A Approved, March 3, 1927. CHAP. 375.——·An Act Providing for the revision and printing of the index u{°ii.86iv?` to the Federal Statutes. - 2 l'$dbKc, 'No. 778.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives of . ~ the United States of America eh Congress assembled, That the sgyk ¤* F•¤¤¤¤ Librarian oft Con¥em is hereby authorized and to have mmm-M the index to the ederal Statutes, publishedin 1908 and known ’”¢°'· as the Scott and Beaman Indexarevised and extended to includethe Acts of Oongress down to an including the Acts of the ninth and to have the revised index printed at Government Printing Oilice. ` ‘ ~ Sno. 2. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated for carliryoibng u{¤°°¤* •°“’°’**°° out the provisions of this Act the sum of $25,000, to remain ave` le until expended. Approved, March 3, 1927. CHAP. 378.-An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act for the survey -12. and allotment of lands now embraced within the limits of the Fort Peck Indian IF%E Nofihi Reservation, in the State of Montana and the sale and disposal of all the lus lands after a11otment," approved bday 30, 1908, as amended, and tormdl)her Bait enacted the Scemte and Home o Representatives of the United States 0?yA·nzer1ba in Congress asaefnblcd, That the Act of B,1Q?,{.‘,,,§§,,‘*,,,I,§‘,_°’“ May 30, 1908 (Thirty—lifth Statutes, page 558), providing for the