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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1442

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1402 SIXTY-NIHTH,.CONGRESS·. Suas. II. Gus. 376-329. 1927. ¤¤·¤¢•¤¤· ·¤¤¤··11¤em .e¤d» osalgetlmds on the Fort Peck Indian Reser-

 isigrpcb . amended byspecifmlly   to the

"°‘ ’“·’·""· Indians on .said=re¤ervation th•~oi].;a.n in »···,, ,» , · ···» 2$1.‘”%‘ 4..;.e “"‘°"“e§’ mm •·*" ·;•¤ `rsmze. br, " · y _ by the.I,ndiun¤.0i E¢nk-Reserv¤ti0n.throug*;f`ilgieir.hribal

;the»ep meal ofvthe·Secaret¤·y e£,the_Interior’;•zid under

mma W meh. •md·gteg¤E».tion.sashe:‘mey_1;hre]scribe. 2. ·. Q HQ. _ M. ....‘*°..;‘€Za ea sm. 2. 4.) *1·murem1e to CBl'*~8D1· d¤e¤.z1re.1v¤re. Peer reuse "•"';{" ’¥¥"” "*"‘ Ruervation, Mo¤tena,.meened for- agency Sd100l,hDd0dlQPIdmiBi& d¢<>¤.¤¤.1>v·¤¤¤.¤•» four thousand md. ninetygfwsnhnd ohc- lum _ imoreqhpiirsuant to tbepmvisim1s`¤f:éect1o¤;¤ &•nd_16 o£_ q¤eh_Act,sn¤¢¤izended, is hereby reinvested in the Imhsnsbpnneg tnbs1—ngh¤§•n.t1ie·I+7ort Peek Reservation, subject to. the oontmn qiiofisudieltnds fnxwdministretive purposes as lon5;s.¤0¤dcd. zfor sudn p¤'l%o•eerin-therdisereticn of the.Secrei:¤ry ot Interior. ,,,?,;§,“‘§,2,§”,0§'2§ izébi. . the Treasury isputhorized and directed to

  • ·¤¤= ·¤g fgfcg d ¤et·§lne»—e¤ne.of.. 117{.52,mep1X¤senting the purehqeeprice of such

iTKC°°° :dte’;ofr$1.95_· per; aero, from moneys inthe-’}lrehsury

 the sale of. lands  bf: under; the
 ( ·A¤t,;ss—ene¤ded, and-tc;.   to the

beds St•tesm§i£»:‘gent—.·§or» the . lands title; to iwhxch Sis .-reinvested ineo¤or:dance;m V _ `2pmv1sionsof¤this_secticn»·; ‘ » "*9*?’?"'*?"*f}‘¥i"??‘¥‘."’~i‘¥?2"?‘ R " * S- ¤ ”°'f§?a{s'{" · "’s' *· i ’ ’ ii tothe T-?`;_‘]_¤¤¤· Nm-¤ rose e ·— ”5 a ig ° Y ‘ ' .< .Be.€t}¤!¤¢ted&by.ethei¢$¢1na#eiw¤d.Hmue of -R entatives of the §§'§§f,f°,;°,f,“"}§},‘,?';,, United States of Amenba in Oongress d886WLb _Ti1Bt;;th0» War gd{¤5]g,g_ W¤¤· Dr De artment be authorized through its Qhief of Ordnancqto isue ’ ' ami) donate two obsolete brass cannons, froin the sufpply avmlable for such donation, to the Wayne~County·C0uncil 0 the Veterans of Foreign Wam, General Motors Buildmg, Detroit, Michigan. _ ’ Approved} March 3} 1927. R ” ‘ _. f` ‘ M nam:. .. " " . I — "‘ ‘¤?mT»_..,&,.,.R·*¤¤i· ve=#¢A¤ ser ree `ereambu `ent\8fthe evemmeneerre ?`fY¤¤ N°- · 1·ampps¤ei;¤1mee,geriie•;¤ze;$b% mwegigrm April Ginn. ·_ ° . ;B¤;¢¥:enw¢¢4;$1r..¢?w.Sewt¢`esd;How¢ of Refww. Metivw of W }’i‘;r?£‘7»’.$;¥.%£,‘?.'é°*e »8t<¤ée¢_. . ·Am¤r@;¤ie· Ovyvarese wm led,..Th¤+· there is g;,$g_;·3,; °;·,,?; gsreby eutberrzed ¢¤;b¤ ;¤·ppr<>pr¤efed,..¤¤t:¤f.:e¤ ...m¤¤ey— m the mu reasury not othermse appropr1ated,_the· s11:E1q¥·$1%)0.81_ for ». r. ·- reimbursexnent to the .g0ve1·mnent_ of the P " ippine p for eirpenses ancurregl by _1t;.l·fQl' mamtainrng alien crews. prior to April 6, 1917. Approved, March 3, 1927. _ _q §.J.B:i?g:] _ GIA!. _8?r9.ée—Joint Resolution To provide for the uses of delegates of the . _ jr M0- to the Eighth Pan American Sardtaryegifnfemme to e held at Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ,,3;*; $’,§‘;'}i$'},§§},‘j United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is mmm hereby authorized .to_ be appropriated, out of ang money in the Treasury not otherwxse appropriated, the sum 0, $3,000 for the