SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cas. 379—382. 1927. 1403 8 nm of delegates of the United States to be a ointed b the ·*”*°‘“",,,,,,,,,,‘°',_,°'*°°•"“ Pxrggident to the Eighth Pan American Sanitary &>Ii1ference {0 be w' held at Lima, Peru, including the compensation of employees, travel, subsistence or per diem inheu of subsistence (notwithstanding the provisions of an other Act} and such miscellaneous and other expenses as that Izresident sha. i deem proper, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State. Approved, March 3, 1927, March 3,1927. GEL]?. 380.———Joint Resolution To r vide for thee enses of th i i i n _.[H-J · R°°· 351-] of the United States in the work or thepegonomic eenreiliiwe to be hgriiaii izgiiida, [Pull M-· N°· °*-l Switzerland. ‘ Resolved by the Senate and Home of Re eeentatioes o the United States of America in Congress assemzgied, That thgre is %°xi>:£°i·Q¤i°:i¤lii:i¤p¤Z?1 hereby authorized to be appropriated, outof any money in the {§§¤‘§*§'§i°iSV,${{,‘L¥,§,_'Q;,f° Treasury not otherwise appro riated, the sum of $15,000 for the expenses of participation y tge United States in the work of the economic conference to be held at Geneva, Switzerland, including personal services, travel, subsistence or perdrem in lieu of subsistence (notwithstanding the provisions of any other Act), and such miscellaneous and other e ` euses as the President shall deem proper, to be expended under thexdirection of the Secretary of State. Approved, March 3, l927.~· CHAP. 381.—J0lnt Resolution Amending the Act of May 13, 1924, entitled igsiflitishgvbil "An Act providing a study regarding the equitable use of the waters of the Rio IPub. Res., No. ez] Grande/Y and so forth. i V- _ . _ ry , ` _Re.soZeed by the Senate. and House of Rezpresentotéves ef the United States of America in Congress assemb ed, That the Act of C§§$,d,°,§?$§’,§_ ‘“‘d May`13 1924, entitled “An Act providing for a study regarding the logos: °* "=°°” °' equitabie use of the waters of the Rio`Grande below Fort Quitman, verse. airs. ‘ Texas, in cooperation with the United States of »Mexico," is· hereby Q amended to read as follows: 4 e . ~ » » - . . . ` _ “ That the President is hereby authorized to designate three ,m‘f,°§_§m‘c(§;;’;a§g’;§’g§; ecial» commissioners to cooperate with representativm of the Mexican representa- &vernment of Mexico in a study regarding the equitable use of $'$§,i,’$,$§‘,§‘{°°bl° “” the waters of the lower Rio Grande and of the lower (Colorado °,QA"°‘-”·¥’·“’~ °'”"“d‘ Rivers, for the purpose of_ securing information on which to base a treaty with the Government of Mexico relativerto the use of the waters of these rivers. One of the commissioners so appointed shall be an engineer experienced in suchwork. Upon comlpletion of such study the results shall be reported to Congress. _ he commission 'i`i¤’¤¤¤¤ Rim- may~also, with the concurrence of’Mexico, make a study of the Tia Juana River, with the view of having a treaty governingthe use of its water. - EW h .m " Sno. 2. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated out of any ‘p°“°°° ““°‘ °” moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated such amounts not to exceed $50,000 as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions hereof." · · Approved, March 3, 1927. CHAP. 382.-—Joint Resolution Extending the provisions of the Acts of March igi?ti§£siii2s'i.1 4, 1925 and April 13, 1926, relatingto a compact between the States of Washing- [Pub- Rv-. Nv- 63-l ton, Idaho, Oregon, and Montana for allocating the waters of the Columbia River and its tri utaries, and for other purposes. a React/vcd b the Senate and H ouse o Repreemwattvea of the United , States of Ani/erzkza in Congress asseméed, That the provisions of the coiiimbh R i V or Act of March 4, 1925, entitled "An Act to pexrmrt a compact or
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