1404 sxxrr-NIMH oomnnss. sas. 11. one ssc-ass. 1927. ’*"*"°"**"""P"‘ ent- between the States. of Washington Idaho Oregon and § g”¤§ lllontana the disposition and apportionment; of the winters vang, p.1#8, of the Columbus wer an its tributaries, andfor other purposes,
- ""·¥’·’*"- andthe Aeticof A ril 13, 1926, entitled F‘An Act suthorizmgngie
Secretary o£=»the.·&terior to Cooperate .with’the States of I 0, Montana, Orsgonrand Washington in allocation of the waters of the Columbia River and its tributaries, and for other puilioses, and authorizing an appropriation therefor,’l~be oontxnuedyan extended in all their provisions to December 31, 1930. Approved, March 3, 1927. [I1;-fhngblxll 0HA§. 888.—Joint Resolution Providing for the return of funds belonging to _iT’—¤b.`§;Ho. M.] World ar National,Guard organisations that are not reconstituted. A Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives oétzhe United §,,‘§,‘}.‘;“,‘{“,?,§;*d, ,, States of in 0'ongress assembled, That the retary of Lrld Wg ugaitr ¤¢» War is hereby authSotrized‘ anél (directed to traéisfer tg; the goveréiors of the respecth `ve steer an i erritories an to t e comman in general of the District oi Columbia such funds as he may now hold P,,,,,,_ m trust- for World War units of the National Guard which have BW *•¢*·*·'·*°¤ ¤•· notbeen reconstituwd:·Provided, That in the cases of States and mm Territories the legislatures thereof first pass acts enabling their respective governors to act as trustees for said funds. ` Approved, March 3, 1927.
gil CHAP. 884.-Joint Resolution Authorizing the use of a portion of that part of
[FEB R°°·· R°·“·l the United States National Cemetery Reservation at Chattanooga, Tennessee, lying outside the cemetery wall, for a city pound, animal shelter, and hospital. . Resolved by the Senate and House of Re entatives of the .i °°` United States of America in Oongress assemble£1T!hat the Secretary b§,’_’g *}f,°‘j§‘;’°pg_‘;¤§,*_ of War be, and. hereby is, authorized upon request made by the •¢¤- mayor and board of commissioners of the city of Chattanooga, Tennessee, to grant permission to the Humane Educational Society of Chattanooga, Tennessee, a cgrporation, to occupy and use, far th rgse of establishi an operating thereon a city poun aneimlgl ‘ elter, and hospitgi such portion of the National Cemetery Iteservation at Chattanooga, Tennessee, lying outside of the cemetery inclosure on- the west side of Central Avenue as may be designated €',,'§",;§· 8,,,,,, uu., by the Secretary of War and upon such conditions and subject to •'4=··¤•¤*¤•d· such regulations and restrictions as he may prescribe: Pnomded, That this resoéultion shall notl be gonstguph to hpass anlyshtitle tg propertyoriri tsintesai an an atteowne ' an control thereof shall remain in the United States and the land) shall be subject to such uses for military or other purposes of the United States as the Secretary of War may direct. Approved, March 3, 1927. [11.1. R:£.1s,g1 CHAP. 385.—Joint Resolution To provide for the expenses of the participation
. ee.] of the United States in the work of apreparatory commission to consider questions
of reduction and limitation of armaments. ummm of my Resolved by theSe·raate and House of Rgpreseritqtives of the United mms. °° States 0/ America in Congress assemble , That in compliance with the recommendation of the President contained in his message of January 7, 1927, the sum of $75,000 or so much thereof as may be