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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1451

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SIXTYNINTH CONGRESS Sass. II. Cue. 491, 492. 1927. 1411 OHL?. 491.-1-An Act To rov e f cont' ho talintio at liberty Ml-mh IW- New York, ofeertain beneiicialiiies,i><ithgrVeterali1is\l%nreiip•i. ° _’ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of gywesentatioes of the United States gf America in Congress assemb , That the Director I-·ib¤¤¥.N-Y· of the United tates Veterans’ Bureau is authorized and directed to ;..($°}{,°.€".§,°'.,t;,,.,.".}°ii'.Z.‘i`. enter into such contracts as may be necessary to provide for the {_’§u*E“';&°‘@j continuance (during such periods as they may be entitled to medical, ·ri¤¤¤~ surgical, and hospital services under the World War Vete1·ans’ Act, 1924, as amended) of such services in other than governmental institutions at Liberty, New York, for those beneficiaries of the Veterans’ Bureau who now receive such services there. Approved, March 4, 1927. ` . CHAP. 492.-—-An Act Authorizing the city of Boulder, Colorado, to purchase Liiiiil certain public-lands. [HHH No. ne.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States 0f_Ame·rica in Uongress asse~m.bledil That the city of M, Boulder, in the county of Boulder, Colorado, is ereby authorized, m¤g¤;gr·'·&¤QYup“$’gl for a period of three years from and after the passage of this Act Vc1.84,p.1m. ' to purchase, and the Secretary of the interior is herebyl directed to convey to said city for use in connection with the lands eretofore purchased by said city under the provisions of the Act of C0 ess entitled “An Actto giant certain lands to the city of Boliilder, Colorado," approved arch 2, 1907 (Thirty·f0urth Statutes, page 1223), for puiposes of water storage and supply of its Waterworks, the following emribed lands, to wit: The west half of thenorthwest D¤•¤4¤¤¤¤. ~‘ quarter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 17; the northeast quarter, the north half of the northwest quarter, " and the south half of the southwwt ctiarter of section 18; the north half of section 19; the south half of t e northwest quarter of section 29; the south half of the north half, the west half of the southeast quarter, and the southwest quarter of section 30; all of township 1 north, range 73 west; also all of section 13, the south·half of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter-of the southeast quarter of section 14; the east half of the northeast quarter and the south- east quarter of section 23; the west half and the northeast quarter of section 24; the southeast quarter, the northwest quarter, the south half of the northeast uarter, and the north half of the southwest qparter of $25; tliiesgst lialfriagd the sag; half of the west half o section 26; o town `p no , ran west, s1xth' princ' meridian containing three thousand six Siimdred and eighty-Edd ¤.:L°`1i°s.(Z.i}’lf"‘°°’l°' acres within the Colorado National Forest, or any part of said ands. Sno. 2. That the said conveyance shall be made u n the payment P°Y’”°”"°‘¤°"°°· py said cit for the lands purchased at the rate 0¥0$1.25 per acre: rovided, That the conveyance hereby authorized shall no include mmm me not any lands which at the date of the issuance of patent shall be °"°°‘°d· covered by a valid existing bona fide right or claim initiated under Rmwwou c, ,,m_ the laws of the United States: Pmvided further. That there shall xtswd ¤¤i¤·¤¤ ¤¤· be reserved to the United States all merchantable timber and all ` oil, coal, and other mineral deposits that may be found in the lands so granted and all necessary use of the lands for extracting the same HH er such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior omsnnamwmu. shall prescribe: And provided further, That; said c1ty shall not have - · the right to sell or convey the land herein granted, or any part thereo , or to devote the same to any other urpose than as erein- R,,,,,,i,,,, {0, ,,,,,,.. before described; and if the said land shall not be used for such ¤¤¤=·°°°· mimicipal purpose, the same, or such arts thereof not so used, y shall revert to the United States and Exe lands shall be restored `