14]:2 SIXTYZNINTH CONGRESS. Snss. II. —C¤s. 492-495. 1927. · to thepublic domain u 4 jaiindin of such failure by the Secre " of the Interior; the ggdlditions gid reservations herein provigdg for shall beexpressed in thepatent. Approved, March 4, 1927.
I URL!. 498.-·¥An To add lands to the Colville National Forest,
mm. Washington. ‘ r , · _, 4 » . °4Pe it b the Senate and Houses: Representativeaof the rOolvl1vl$ ulgativnnl Uriited Thatxsubject to mama. an valid exxstmgclaim or ent , all lands of the.Umted States _ wiiiin the areas ereafter described be,:and the same are hereby. added to and made parts of me_Co1ville National Forest, Washing- , ton, to be harleafter andsnipistered ungerhthe laws and ikegélatgns Banbury:) ou. rdats] to e natio . orests· an t e provisions o e ct V ‘°*"‘*°°‘ approved March 20, 1922 (Forty-second Statutes, page 465), as amended, gre hereby extended- and made afplicable to all other I>¤¤¤u»m lands within sud describedareas: East hal section 9, north half section 15, south half section 17, sections 20, 29, and 30, township 36 north, range 84 east, Willamette meridian j Approved, March 4, 1927. “ A 7 ` gg. R.%•o¤?’]` GHS!. 4§4.—·—-An Act To certain lands to the Shoshone National Forest, Pub1lc,No.'r88.] ` ` s A [Be it enacted by the Senate and Houegwpg Reqreaentatzives of the °"°"‘§" ~_ N‘“°°‘“ United States of Americd in asa Zed, hat the following—
- §¤•g3¤dI| my described lands are hereby adde to and made parts of the Shoshone
nsulpaes. ' gtional Forest, Wyoming, subject to any valid adverse rights nmtxated prior to the passage of this Act: _ _ V _ _ _ s Township 45 north, orange: 101 west, sixth pr1nc1pal meridian: , Section 5, south half; sections 8, 17, 20, 29, and 32, all. psgtownship 4,4 nortlh, 1311 west, sixth principal meridian: ions5.·81an18. ‘ Township6’51£ riortli, range, 104 ‘west, sixth principal meridian: Sedions 1, 12, 13, 24- 25, andi36, all not now included in the forest. Townshzpuig north, range- 1013 west, sixth principal meridian: Section 4, so west uarter sout west quarter · section 5 south half- section 6 south ; section 8 all; section ,9, southwest quarter; west halt northwest quarter, and southeast quarter northwest qiiar-
section 16,6 west half; section 17, aH; section 20, north alf
- no west quar r. · Township 54 north, range 104 west, sixth principal meridian: Sections 1, wm half northeast quarter 24, west half 25, and west half 36, all not now included in the forest. Township 55 north, range 104· west, sixth principal meridian: Sections 1, 12, 13, 24, 25, an 36, all not now included in the forest. Township 56 north, range 104 west, sixth principal meridian: ‘ Sections 1, 12, 13, 24, 25, an 36, al1·not now included in the forest. Approved, March 4, 1927. 8 5.}g{°°" OKAP. 495.-An Act To authorize and direct the Secretary of War to accept ' N,,_·m_] an act of sale and a dedication of certain property in the city of New Orleans,
, from the Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans, and for
0 PUYPWN- . Be it enacted I3; the Senate and House of Representatives of the N, 0,,,,,,, United States of merica in Ocmgress assembled, That the Secretary of Waris hereby authorized and directed, for and on behalf of the