SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 503, 504. 1927. 1421 sion together with the three membersap ointed b the vernor as aforbsaid, until the ex iration of such pgriod of tlheir sgiivices and not thereafter. The saliary of the commissioner shall be $6,000 a year sun-ns. and the said commissioner shall devote his entire time to his duties xm. such commissioner. The compensation of the associated mem- bers, both those elected and appointed, shall be $10 for each day’s attendance at the sgssioéisomaf) gis commission; but inTr;1o case shall they receive more t an 1, uring any one year. e said com- ¥;¤*¤y) <·*¤* ¤¤b**¤ mission is empowered and directed to discharge all the executive W i°° m°mi°°°' functions relatmg to public service corporations eretofore conferred by law upon the executive council and such additional duties and functions as may be conferred upon said commission by the legis- lature. Franchises, rights, and privileges granted by the said com- omzoumciise. mission shall not be effective until approved by the governor and shall be reported to Congress, which hereby reserves the power to annul or modify the same. “ The Interstate Commerce Act and the several amendments made hmwpvgwiggmgtgg or to be made thereto, the Safety Appliance Acts and the several ugilgpueibit. amendments made or to be made thereto, and the Act of Congress entitled ‘An Act to amend an Act entitled "An Act to regulate com merce," approved February 4,1887, and all Acts amendatory thereof, by provi ing for a valuation of the several classes of property of carriers subject thereto and securing information concerning their stocks, bondsiz and other securities,’ approved March 1, 1913, shall not apply to orto Rico. " e legislative assembly of Porto Rico is hereby authorized to ,R¤lgg\;°¤¤s:rgLj·¤£ enact laws relating to the migulation of the rates, tariffs, and 'ser- iurlibynsaasune. vice of all public carriers in orto Rico, and the public service com- E”'°’°°"‘°'"‘ mission hereby created shall have power to enforce such laws under ap ropriate regulation." Sac. 7. That section 48 of the said Act be, and the same is hereby, $§$‘,,_q,·;_,m,,,,;. amended to read as follows: ed- . " Sao. 48. That the Supreme and District Courts of Porto Rico pul.,v§i{§,$§dl`°°” °°" and the respective judges thereof may giant writs of habeas cor us in all cases in which the same are granta le by the judges of the Igis- M,,,d,,m,,_ trict Courts of the United States, and the District Courts may grant writs of mandamus in all proper cases. " That no suit for the purpose of restraining the assessment or col- w{{',‘},,,";‘§§,,’;°,,,,$,% lection ofany tax imposed by the laws of Porte Rico shall be main- p1¤_vd}>sg&:1¤°°%X1¤:¤¤ bv tained in the District Court of the United States for Porto Bico." ' Approved, March 4, 1927. ' CHAP. 504.--—An Act To authorize the construction of three cottagga and Mum ` an annex te the hospital at the National Home for Disabled Volunteer ldiers [Public. ¤- 7981 at Marion, Indiana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Mmm Ind United States of America in Congress assembled That the Board oossmiasmi author- of Managers of the National Home for Disabled llolunteer Soldiers i$€?u,,,‘Z,,°‘§‘l,i{°§?§.§° is authorized and directed to construct at the Marion Branch of H°m° °°- such home, at Marion, Indiana, on land now owned by the United States, three cottages with an aggregate capacit of two hundred beds, and a sanitary, fireproof hospita annex to the present hospital with a ca acity of lift beds. Admmo th Sno. .2.`§lpon the order of a member of the Board of Managers me to sadlimlg °" of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, the following persons shall be admitted to such cottages and hospital annex for the purpose of receiving medical treatment and the other benefits
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