1432 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Crrs. 504, 505. 1927. Honorably ua of such home: All persons who served in the milita or naval forces ‘3.*:..'•.:.°;%*•r...’;‘..•°..;·;•.;·: or me United sans, including are orgasms Madias, the National },'j},,},{’:§§:,§,}'{ "°“‘ Guard, and the Naval‘Militia, when ca led into the Federal service, and were separated therefrom under honorable conditions, who have no adzuate means of support. and, by reason of diseases or wounds, arg er temporarily or permanently incapacitated from earning A¤¤¤¤¤¢ •¤¤·¤¤¤¤·.. Sno. -3. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated not more than the sum of $700,000 in order to carry out the provisions of ¤;•;v:¢¤·,$¤hg_¤¢<;;Lw# section 1 of·thia·iAct, of which amount $600,000 shall be available forthe construction of the three cottages and $100,000 for the hospital annex, including the construction of such necessary approach work, roadways, and other facilities leadin thereto, heating and ventilating apparatus, furniture, equipment, ang accessories, as may be approve by the board of managers. Approved, March 4, 1927. mmueim. §B.1640.l GQAP. ¤»0¤_.v——An Act Authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to establish P¤ N0- 79°·l a national arboretum, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the DFgf*°¤¤l ¤**>°*°*¤¤· United States of America in Oongreésa assembled, That the Secretary rsatmamaeorm of Agriculture is authorized and ·directed to establish and maintain °°°“"”‘ a national arboretum for purposes of research and education concerning tree and plant ife. For the purposes of this Act,
,{,‘:§ (1) the President isauthorized to transfer to the jurisdiction of the
- m8u?¤¢¤w ¤f Avi- Secretary of Agpiculture by Executive order any land which now
· ` belongs to the nited States within or adjacent to the District of Columbia located along the Anacostia River north of Benning bpxgfhxsgéfwd Bridge, and (2) the Secretary of Agpiculture is authorized in his ’ ` discretion to acquire, within the `mits of the appropriation authorized by this Act by private purchase, condemnation pro- ceedings, or gift, land so located or other land within or adjacent gym 0,, W. to the District of Columbia: Provided, That the purchase price of ¤¤•¤• v¢*¤¤· any part of said land shall not exceed the full value assessment of such property last made before purchase thereof plus 25 per centum o such assessed value. ,,,,’*,;’:,‘§'•,;j_,f*“"’°"“° Sno. 2. There is herebypeauthorized to be appropriated a sum not to exceed $800,000, to expended under he direction ` of the Secretary of Agriculture for t e acguisition of land as specified in ug¤v_p;dy¤=¤¤¢ until section 1. No payment shall be ma e by the United States for any ' such land unt the title thereto is satisfactory to the Attorney General and is vested in the United States. ugfgf '°°°°i°° di` SIU. ,8. In order to Stimulate research and discovery the national arboretum established by the Secretary of A `culture in accordance
the provisions of this Act shall be ungllelr competent scientific
,,§{""‘°° ""‘°‘“"“" direction. The arboretum shall be administered by the Secretary of Agriculture separatel£ from the agricultural, horticultural, and forestry stations of the epartmentof Agriculture, but it shall be socorrelated with them as tobring about the mm effective utilization of its facilities and discoveries; _ ‘ ‘ _;g,*·¤g I;gg¤:¤% Sno. 4. The of Agriculture is authorized to create an amiopumr. advisory council `in re ation to the plan and development of the nationa arboretum to be establishe under this Act, to include representatives of national organizations interested in the work of the arboretum. ‘ ‘ ’ Approved, March 4,,1927.