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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1463

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. sm II. cus sos-sos. 1927. 1423 CHAP. 506.--g Act To provide for the cooperation of the United States in the erection in city. of Panama of a monument to General Simon Bolivar. Be it the‘Senate and House ofggn-esentatives of the United States e America in Oongreea asa kd, That there is,,,‘{°°°""’*°*°°"°“‘ hereby authorized to be approrpriated out of any money in the migwtgrbmionwtmi Treasury not otherwise approp afed',,‘tlie sum of $10,000, to enable misery ¤r°£ihi;i° the Secretary of State to payjsuch sum‘ to the Government of Panama as the contribution of the nited States toward the erection in the city of Panamaof a monument to General Simon Bolivar pursuant to a resolution adopted at the fifth internatioml conference of American States, hel at Santiago, Chile, in 1923. ‘ Approved, 4, 1927. ¤KAP._·507.—An Act·'1`o authorize the refund of $25,000 to the Columbia 8. Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum. [Hdllc, Ne. 801.] Be it enacted by the Senate and H ouse of Rgpreeentatives of the United States eg America in 6'mzgress assemble , That the Commis- Q'dj;_'•*%, sioners of the istrict of Colum ia are authorized and directed to wgdmbgnmmmw u pay to the Columbia Hospital for Women and Lying-in Asylum the Kline. °° '”°”` sum of $25 000 as a contri ution to the maintenance of that ospital. ‘ Sno. 2. That there is authorized to be app0r&priated to carry out ,m·‘;n'“gg{§,,°;*',i,§§,’§,{*u’g`f* the provisions of this Act the sum of $25 , payable from the revenues of the of ‘ Columbia and in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, March 4, 1927. mmaemv. CHAP. 508.-An Act To prevent discrimination against farmers’ cooperative associations by boards of trade and similar organizations, and for other purposes. °» °· Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re eaentatioea of the _ United States oi Anumha in .0ongi·eaa asseénbleld, That when used in this Act és) efterm “ agricultural products," means agricultural , ¤••;*§;¢;f horticultur , viticultural, and dairy products, food products oi new livestock, the products of poultry and bee raising, the edible products of forestry, and any and all products raised or produced on farms and processed or manufactured products thereof, . transported, or inten ed to be transgrted in interstate and/or foreign commerce. (b) The words F‘ ard of trade " shall be held to include and g§g_·%·F*¤¤°"‘°°¤d°‘ mean any exchange or association, whether incorporated or unincor- ' porated, of persons who shall be engaged in the business of buying or selling agricultural products or receiying the same for sale on tcgnsignmeni? exceptAmarkets designated as contract markets under e rain utures ct. (c) The words " interstate commerce " shall be construed tomean m;$i°I{,ld§.i° °°m` commerce between any State, Territory, or possession, or the District of Columbia, and any place outside thereof; or between points within the same State,_Terr1tory, or (possemion, or the District of Columbia, but through ang place .outsi e thereof, or within any Territory or possession, or t e District of Columbia. ' (df) For the (purposes of this A.ct.(but not in any wise limiting ,mImd'"”m°u§°°i¤ {RSC the oregoing eiinition of interstate commerce) a transaction in ’“‘°°°”““°'°°· respect to any articleshallbe considered to be ·in interstate commerce if such artic e is part of that current of commerce usual `inldealing in agricultural products whereby the are sent from one State wit the expectation that they will end their transit, after purchase, in _ another, including, in addition to within the above general description, all cases where purchase or sale is either for shipment to