1424 SIXTY·NINTH cosonsss. sm rr. ·c¤¤. sos, soc; mv. another or for manufacture within the State and the shipment outside the State of the products resulting from such manufacture. Articles normally in such current of commerce shall not be considered out ofsucb, commerce through resort had to any means or device to remove transactions 1n respect thereto from the Hum: ¤¢•·s¤s.·· .gl0VI8i0IlS¢0f.u1lB Act. For the of thisparagraph the word t Stau;" includesjferritory, the 0f.Co1umb1a, possession of theUnited Sh¤»te§andfor` nation. . p _ ··r¤m¤·· mmmu. (e) Thervprd person xxl] be construed to- import the plural or singn;l1ar,.and_ghall includegindividuals, associations, partnerships, co ra `o an trusts. . A a Em, go;. ot my lg; Theusdct, omission, or failure of any omcial, agent, or other zen er .;:gY.T,.,"L° person acting for any individual association, partnership, corpora- '°°"‘¥°”· - tion, or trust, within the scope of his employment or odice, shall be deemed the act, omission, or failure of such individual association, partnership, corporation, or trust, as well as of such oihcial, agent, or other person. ‘ ,,,*},9dg §"‘f;hg{ s Src. 2. No·board of trade whose members are engaged in the ¤¤¤ business ofbuying or selling agricultural products or receiving the
&?,.‘{l same for sale on consignment in interstate commerce shall exclude
i from membership in, and all privileges on, such board of trade, an duly authorized representative er lmyllawfully formed and conducted goplperative association, corporate or otherwise, composed substan- ' y of ,_ producers of agricultural _ products, or any such representative of any orgamzati0n,act1ng for a grou of such associations, if such association or organization has adequaib financial responsibility and complies or agrees to com ' ly with such terms and conditions as are or mailbe imposed lawfudy on other members of mg mu had such board: Provided, at norule of a board of trade shall forbid mum br~••¤u•u¤¤, or be construed to forbid the return on a patronage basis by such ‘§§¤,‘,g",{Y,$§,b‘§'g“g,,{,' cooperative association or organization to its bona iide members of ¤¤v6¤•¤•. moneys collected in excess of the expense of conducting the business wt ¤¤·*¤¢§ Of; uch3ai•i1ciatigl1L t` A t l A ch: t . M. ¤•· 1:0,. ysu coopera1vea.ssociaionor»anysu or `aion h1nd:t:ri1t? whose duly authorized representative is excluded from sucg member- “’*“"'°•*"" ship and privileges by anyboard of trade referred to in section 2 . of Act sue in the United States District Court in whose jurisdiction su board of trade, is opgrated or maintained for a mandatory injunction compelling such ard of trade to admit such duldy authorized representative to such membership] and privileges m§¤§$,_¤*<>¤ ¤* 4*- an for any damages sustained, and such court shall ave jurisdiction to imno such an injunction and to award such incidental damages as lt may deem appropriate. Approved, March 4, 1927. 59- OHAP. 509.-——An Act To provide compensation for disability or death result- ¤»N°·8¤$· ing from iniury to employees in certain·maritime—employu1ents, and for other purposes. . y , , _ . " Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in`C’ong·reas assembled, snonr rrrm HI·°°¤**°"¤'°", " ‘°" Sno·r10N 1. This Act ma be cited as " Longshoremen’s and Harbor p¤¤e¤i»'i{hl°° com- Workers’ Compensation A¥:t." nmmmons 3¢P¤•¤¤¤s,9¢ ww- Sno. 2. When used in this Act-- t · . °”°°` (1) The term “person" means individual, partnership, corpora- tion, or association.