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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/39

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Ilxii Psa. Alaskan Bwlssssriasi A ~ C'o1•s••'b•s'bn. Jol t Resolution For the rclid of dubm·si‘ ig g mx_;tsef»tlieAlaskan Englnccrln:Oommidonor0tthcAluka {umn , 1405 sim 1v¤•»¤¤:·""’iis¤•¤ry `````` P ````` i1§K&{i§»}2»§·3Ii`3i»§¤3`i§"is§7` .

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· , ttebuz ng enneseee. * ......... r .......... Federal Goethe? Poison Ad: ' Act*'!`o’safeguard the dlstiibkion and sale of certain dan- famus caustic or corroslve4’e¤;i;i“,s’alkal:les, and ethsrsubstsnsasle interstate and 1400 A commerce. ............ ...» .... V .... . ..................... Saranacmm N. Y., Ydemni Bureau An Ast To ggvide for continued

 §t4S§r:2n'¤e Lake, New crt, of curtain of the V9bGl'\llI' Mw

urean. are ‘ ............ ‘ .......................... i —.............. Liberty NAY. Ydarcnf bureau bencjeiuia. An Act To provide for continued bww iatilggvdt Liberty, New York., cl certain bemiciarlesol the Vct¤·s.¤s’ Bureau. ch 141 1 rms iém, Boulder- x ` `,`é·3i&' ` Ig ````` CSS iii 2»YsZ>'¤ls¤, `'`` `ébime, ```“ `EJ -pu· E-} ill ` ` 141 1 G • » , ---·.· ..--»-- ·----..------···-·----·•--····-·-a C'olcille&lati¢:iaPilF:»1rsx;kWaahé IA.;] Act To add certain lands to the Colville National Forest, 1412 sshlngton. , ....... - ........................................ Shocker? Natioaral Forest, Ylyo. h 2111 Idd certain lands to the Shoshone National 1412 rest ' . arc - .................................... - .... Army, 0 cluicc at New ncsu, La. An Act To authorise and direct the £·etar§of ar aceeptan actolsaleand a dedication of wrtain propert%in the city cgi.! ew Orlgafs, Louhiana, from the %o:r¢; Commlssioners of the crt of 1412 New cans an or purxgees. , ..... - ..................... District of Columbia, dentistry fsu. Act To amend the Act June 7, 1924, 1§lati§g4t<;9gl;e regulation of the practice of dentistry in the of Columbia. 1413 name ogrgolumbsa, · , `'`````` iéicuh ""`Y"i.i{I¤f¤2`·i‘I>'§§¤§é¤§&Et¥ié€ éBE¢i6&'·*AKXé€ L3 regulate the practice pharmacy and the sale of poisons in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes, ’ approved May 7, 1906, as amended. March 4, 1927 .... 1413 Sea-scary ezglgbcr, grin An Act Creating the offices of assistants to the Secretary 1415 B.s,.,°Ms.i.{: · EFA ’ An mae: éi£€¤1&`¢Ke"me` "na-‘.;s..e.. ‘‘‘‘ am amiga zi.; gississip;;inRiii;1er‘;hbctween the; gay of ti: tgiiioountyg Anokahalidlgléel village 1416 Cham o ennepm o Marc ...... more teasing ggnéwewg mis Nm York: An an To anemia one seéewg or the Treasury to enter into a contract to purchase, upon comgetion, a suitable uilding for customs and other governmental Xur?ses in the city of cw York. March 4, 1927- 1416 Army, a ‘n¢ment of warrant ojicers. An ct o provide for appointment as warrant otlioers oi the Regular Army of such persons as would have been eligible therefor but for the interruption of their status caused by service rendered by them as commis- sioned oilicers during the World War. Marc 4, 1927 .......................... 1416 Army, mgllus real proper! sales. An Act To authorise the sale, under provisions of the Act ci; 1%;,926 (Public, Numbered 45), of surplus War Department real property. 14 7 , 1 .............................................................. 1 Porto Rio? government, amemdmenu. An Act To amend and reenact sections 8, 20, 31, 33, 38, and 48 of the Act of March. 2, 1917, entitled " An Act to provide s civil govern- ment for Porto Rico, and for other purposes," as amended by an Act approved une 7 k924%gn};l°fg1· the iiggrtion gi a new ieictgoxg in gdaid l;e9i%een sections 5 and 6 of 1418 t i as ‘ " o sa c . arc ....................... M orion, annariscgslirto Volunteer Soldicref Home. An Act To authorise the construction ° $ anéi lain auneiltq the sg: National Home for Disabled 1421 o un iers a ano . src ......................... National grgoiletugz C. Aslifslctligxuthorizing the 1SIecreli;a‘;y1<i:2?g1ic1dture to establish a 1422 re um or o er urposes. arc ..................... Monum1:nt,OGe1•:\rral Sivnor: glolivcr. An Act To provide for the cooxration of the United §ate% t{1;2cIrection in the city of Panama of a monument to neral Simon Bolivar. 1423 raw · 0}°5.»1um1M’ · ,éZ»1Hm1M""`1}B§p¤¢¤z""."K£`Aé£ ‘1‘6`£d¢K6¤»i£6 %i»B`£e}i¤iH til; Columbia Hospital for Women and L%ing—in Asylum. March 4, 1927 ............. 1423 Farmers’ cooperative · An Act lomprevent discrimination against farmers’ c0· operative boards of t e and similar organizations, and for other 1423 urposes. ar , .................................................... Longshgrcmcnh and H gbor Worker! Compensation Act. An Act To rovide compensation for distglgilitytrflr death resultingifroxg iinj to employees in certain maritime employmcnts 1424 o imposes. arc - ....................................... I ntsrstal; C'ov:1:cr¢?Rct, amendments, ctc., An Act To amend the Interstate Commerce Act and the Tran?ortation Act, 1920, and for other purposes. March 4, 1927 ......... 1446 Red River, Okla. and cz., toll (mes. An Act To regulate tolls charged for transit over high- Zafggrlidges across the River between the States of Oklahoma and Texas. March 1451