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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/40

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II LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Pen. Shi ' Basvuhssshsction loaninmd. An Act To amend section 11 ol the Merchant Marino pwlxft, 19:1, and to complete the construction loan {und authorised by that section. 1451 Alaska, livestock ' , dc., An Act’1‘opr~ovldeforthe» rotectl devel ment and utili- sation ol lands tn*A1uka by estshlishigg an adoczuato scygtsm {oz grazing livestock thereon. March; 1827..; ................ . ......................... 1452 I mnigration Ad guts ratio , A Joint Resolution To amend subdivisions (b) and (c) ot section 11, of thelmmlgrstioa Act0f—l924, as amended. March 4, 1927 .,......... 1455 Hsnisnaa Geographic Code Sydcsn. Joint Resolution Authorizing a joint committee of both Ho¤n•tomndd¤·th•pumk0¤dtherighttoanu¤xestrlctcduseo(theHsrdman '


ted use d copyrlgtl s ed, D! that may be issued, ixrconncction with the s of the Harriman , c Oodc System for sllgovernmentsl, administra- er publication purposes for wblelzthc same may be desirable. March 4, 1927- - 1455 Colorado River restriction of water power lidmu. Joint Resolution Restricting the Federal Power Oommiion from issuing or any Fcrmlts or licenses sEecting the Colorado River or my of its tri utaries. arch, 4, 927 .......... , ............... 1456