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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/42

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2 SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sasa. I. Cue. 4--7. 1926. A §S*`v *. iiyu ` `;¢" {tg giié .··’ gg; hxgmy EV A * i 0£§.; 4}}-Aigixgnitfiteboigdbn for the did vacancy in the Board

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X smmmnua naman- of Represenaiafxivca of the mmm, W Hwy mted of Amerzca on Omtggasg assembled That the vacancy

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 pp   I  A ,»; gaghggngton, a or w1thin»tw0·~miies*w¤nterIp*tr¤m Cascade Locks, in the State

{ V Iixipi `ii >?£"` g§;': $4;:6, gl r" ·#·a ,4 J {ta.- `~ , FI": ·; ·Ti :7-ji Cdmbh mw U§}·i¢M*Sé?2d££’d4td'eg6QlZ§é vfipeg eéentafitieégof Hake ¤*»=¤·,,,,,, ;=¤=·=<=·y,,S.` gg J? sf .4 . . . 4-r That ~*>*¤~ time

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P¤¤<=¢¤•¢i¤¤ ¤¤r· Sm. 2. Sectwn 6 of said Act is amen ed b stmkm out the t£_°d · .. ·. , . ~» .. y g x _ V0l.•4B,p.11$. comma after the word "undertakmgs"’!. ~ * ‘1 1 t # t Approved, January 27, 1926.

 CHAP. 7.--An Act Grantin the consent of Congesa to the, counties, of

P“ °· ’· SA:de1*ggn,qgtsth*GamHnp§r`nnd· to ·a bridge acres the

lil  `ii » _ at   é _Q   ..U__     ji? *;.2-“:&’,_" .».·* K; ¢`.’T—‘.   `i.’·.'¥»   *     ' ‘     ·-   `hli H1, p ' ·
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