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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/43

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SI3UI`Y»1•TI¤NTHi GONGBESS. *,··Si£i$ *11* >U1·ii.` ¥ 7410. `<’ BQZG.? 3

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United States of -¤.¤,.,;,_ °’ ’°°"°` pllimee with the recommendation of the `Preiiident 'eoutiunésqiln ,°;*¤°“°* •¤% 's message of January 4, 1926, thesnm of $50,000 is hereby au- . thorized to be a propriated for the expenses of such participation y ·· byi.the¢sUnitp•i·g)¢¢tm_ ins the=President·‘1hay, his ·· y termine ’,‘i1i"€hb‘ of ·p;epn=awry eonrnnim "dn;"w6*h·iéh‘ "* ‘€b`*

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