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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/44

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4 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Suse. I. Cm;. 1042. 1926. approaches thereto gncross the Bed River: at a gyoinbsuitabla to the interests of navigation, at pr near Fulton, wit in five miles of the bridge.0f the Missnuri }?&Cl5C Railway Company, in the counties of £¤¤¤g‘¤. Hempstead and Millar, 1n the Sgate 0 Arkansas, iu accordance with 1=»é,;£ié¤z.` the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to rggulate the construc— R tion of briigm over navigable waters," approv March 23, 1906. '¥`¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¤·•¤· ` 4Snc. 2. I tolls are phsr ed for the use of the brid e constructed under authority of this get, the State Highway (§>mmissi0n of . Arkansas may so adjust the rate of toll to be charged as to Xroduca suiicient revenue to maintain, operate, and repair the bri ge and repay the original cost of constructing the same, including any interest paid on borrowed money and discounts necessarily required in financing zmclroriginsb-construction and shall after the repay- ment thereof but in no event to exceed tweuty·iive years from the brydplgncm ¤ ¤·•• eéoiudgetion tiiereof, maintain and operate such bridge as a free 1-1 . A¤1•¤=1¤¤¤¤¢- Sm. 8. The right to alter, amend, or repeal thk Actewis hereby Q Approved, February 4, 1926. ‘ M · _ were ,GKAP. 11..——Au Act >Te amend section 2 of the Act entitled "A¤ Act to TEM- N°·° ixieorporsto the National Society of the Daughters oi the American Rev¤1ut.ion." ”Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Regvsentalrirvea of the g;=gywg£Q$*g¤;gg; United Statéa of America in n6’0ngrcsa‘ aaeemb d, That section 2 mmvonuuon. of the Act entitled "An Act to incorporate the National ~’. Society of the Daughters of the American Rev0hxti0n," approved February 20, 1896, as amended, is amended to read as follows: mf;gg•;;¤Y **°l*d*¤¢ “ Sm. 2. That said society is authorized to hold real and personal Val.2¤,ep.9. 'W ggtgigaliq the United States, so far only as xéqby be neceeqaryn to its ,<;Y°"°°'”‘°°°"”””°' 1aw fu1§en;1s, `t<> gnamoumt not exceeding $5, V ,000, and may adopt a constitution and makenby—1uws not iuconsistentiwith law, and may ‘ adopt a seal. Said society shall have its headquarters or principal

 oiice at Washington, in the District of Columbia?

V Approved, February 5, 1Q26.i V i ( _ m.m¤ya,1m. , ~y ‘ ·. A  » e e

   12.—+·An Acc Toe ¤utb01·ia¤thc;tm¤nsf¤r of me um to me jurisdiction

’ ‘ ' qver thQi1'i$ht,0f wuyvofithe new Dixie Hxghway to tha Stste of Kentucky, = ”’· ’Be it by itM‘Se*ru1té and House bf Repreqc#rLtatives,lof ilu! §§‘,{{§§§§“"Q{;u,,d United Stufésiof Ame1·i¢d’z'*p Obngreaai aaaembkgi, Thatithe Secretary ·g¤¤¤¤¤1g1¤°?;>%1{g1e=r¤¤· <if"Wa.r`is°authox·ized, after‘Hi€*éa$ement for thewight pf way fm- litzzzyvstiouf my tlis’¤e·w Dixie iHighw¤.y% f1·dm’thei~pmperty, owriers, to ctrniejy théiéamé t0’the `Stniie of Kentucky or to the proper county qt other subdivision cf”the’$aid iStd6e,%tI<-zfether with‘ an easement fifty feet wide heros the Camp Knoxii Reservation where the highway is now located and constructe , when the proper authorities of the said State or subdivision thereof sha11‘"va.c•1te the old Dixie Highwsq) within Camp Knox and accept or take mimmm possession of the new ixie Highway: Provided, That upon the

      • 8****: i ‘ conveyance to the State of Kentucky .0pto the eprqperlegel sub··

~ i division thereof of. thaeasememt ifon the right of way for the new highway across Camg Knox and ujwon accqiltancen or éntry into possession by the sai State or sub ivieion Q ercof \of,_ such right of wdy ¥dli£ic§1_n`urisdicti0n and controii thereover shall Yost in the ¤:_·*¤*¤*¤¤ M ¤<>¤· State 0_ YKentuci:y: Prqmded ifurther, Thati in the event of the ' discbntinuance or abandonment of the Said, new Dixie Highway,