SIXTY-NINTH CON GQRESS. Sass. I. Cue. 1245. 1926. 5 or any part thereobwhere the sameextenda across the reservation the title to and jurisdiction of the State over auch highway shali at once revert to the United States. Approved, February 6, 1926. CHAP. 18.—A¤ Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois }’¤£°§¥$$.‘$‘i°A €‘i.‘Z”£.‘I&°”J? £.’°““¤.ut,‘¤aZ°‘3?“mi¤‘§t°°?.?°““l4¤‘”°i’°{;“i?iu?' “£§ °‘°“ north, range 3 east of the third principal meridian. we n ’ W P h h Be it enacted by the Senateund House of Representative; of the United States of A· Congress assembled! That the consent §_{’,§,§§§':;, b,m_ of is hereby granted to the State of Illinois, to construct, i¤ I-•¤•¤¤¤<·¤¤¢v· mamtam and operate a bridge and approaches thereto, across the Fox River, at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, in the county of La Salle, State of Il11nois_, in section 1, townshi 33 north, range 3 east of the thirdprincxpal meridian, in aocorciimce couamam. with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the V°"“·"·“· ggnsit5·616ction of bridges over navigable waters,"s approved March Sno. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is """’“‘“°°'“‘ hereby expressly reserved., Approved, February 8, 1926. Feb 8, Nm, CHAP. 14.-—An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the State of Illinois to construct, maintain, and o rate a bridge and a. proaches thereto across the . P“w°· N°·°· Fox River, in the county of Igndall, State of Illinbgs, in section 32, township 37 north, range 7 east of the third principal meridian; Be it enacted by the Senate amd Home of Repreaentcwivea of the United States of America in cwmgmgi assembled, Thatithe consent 5;;%*;, md of Congress is hereby granted to the State of Illinois, to construct, mmm comm"' maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches theretoacross me Fox Riyer at agoint suitable to the interests of navi%.tion, in the pounty of Iienda _, Stateiofilllinois, i1;iiseetion_32, towns ip 37 north, range '( east of thethird principal }!1¢lT1dl§»D,_1I1 acxzotdanée withythe emma., provisions of-the Act entitled ‘ An_,Aetto the iconetructxou "¤¤·°*·¤·8*· of bridgesiover navigable waters? approved rcH`23g 1906. up S Am,,,dm,,,t_ A Sac. 2. That the right to `ialter, amend, oft" repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. . _ S Approved, February 8, 1926. , i _ W y ’ · ’ ' February8,19¤S. cnn. 1¤.-·A¤ Act Granting the consent or Congress +,0 the county of cmk, State of Illinois, to construct a bridge across the Little Calumet River 111 Cook Pub"' N°‘ 10** County, State of Illinois. A Be it enacted by the »Sem1$e and Home of Representatives of the S United States og America in Uonqlress assembled, That theconsent R{;,;l$°’° C°'¤'¤°* of Oo ress is ereby given for t e construction by the county of cooin Gmwyb HL. Cook ngtate of Illinois, ofa bridge across Little Calumet River at {,'f§ §’§§i£§5_“* °“" Burnham Avenue iq said county _8.lldV`S'C8,i38; which bridge is now in course `of construction in accordance Fwithi plans ‘that"in”the opinion of the Secretary of War and the Chief of Engineers lprovide suitable facilities for `naviiationl If said `bridge"be comp eted in a manner satisfactoryito `t e Secretary of War and the Chiefof Engineers it shall be at lawful structure,»and shalllbe maintained end operated under and in accordance with the pertinent provisions
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