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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/46

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6 SIXTY-NIN$H#<€0NGRESS. I;. Cue. ¥15~¤-Wi 19} *1926.

 ¤¢f>¢iwA5>tX¤¤¢itled “*AneAet’te<:e@1ate the eenkemeeizmet bridges

i$v¤r¤ev¤gwb1i¤~{•tem;’?·vl;i»pmve&, arch 22, rece; are - ·*”°°°“”°°°‘- Sno. 2. The r;§bt to mr, amendyvor 1*epeal>thisA¤et is hereby GXpI‘BSSly»I'8SB!'V . Approved, February 8, 1926. A ,

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  • “‘°"°""““‘ Sno. 2. at tabie right to alter, amend, or i·epea1·th1etAct·is hereby

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‘ '°‘ ‘ an Act entiffea i An Act to regulate th6`aO0DSt1"\iCiQlO of bridges over navigable waters " approve Mamh,23,’l190'6.’ Vt '“ » ‘““°”°"‘°"" Sm. 2. That (gies right to alter oramend this Act ‘is·‘ hereby GXPTBSSIY Yeacrv · _, A . , A a A Approved, February 8, l926. V higalqnigicim] ` CHAP. 19.-—-An Act To authorise the ccnstructiongotinAbrid§e.)aero¤e"Fox mia. River, in~Dd¤dee '1‘ow¤.ship,.K•ne County, i V ~ 1 X A 2 {hte ,,¢1a· and Home a;t12¢~»e»¢e¢e»e‘v¤;‘¢2»¥ £%’f3§¤"‘e¤ mt AUMW Tw 5**** »<=<>¤$¤¤* !i,'..:,::.:;·...§.‘;§*·* of §>¤¤s¤¤-¤, LS ¤¤·>*>r .*=¤ the ,<?*e<=4£·2.»¤e<1 N¤r¢¤ .W¤¤¢<=r¤ m Dundee 'I`0wnr£g:AB&11Wb;y Company, naecqrpgmhron g>rgan1zed,n;1d nnuer the m‘ laws ` the State of Iu:lH01S,·IRd.'1t:S sueeessorafqnd to een- struct, maintain, and operate a budge across, the Eat, fver at a point suitable to, the of navigation in seetions_“I,5_and 22, township 42 north, range 8 east of _ e thirdgrincipal meridian, the same being m Dundee Townshxp, Kane onnty, Illinois, in