760 SIX;TY·NIN'I'H CONGRESS. Snss. I. Cris. 647, 648. 1926. of not more- than $200 or imprisonment for not more than twelve
sw. agree meas “¤m1e·· and ··pm¤t·· who-s used is use
» _ Ant dnalbbe interpreted to include the plural.
Sno. 10.=~t'11;•t in ordle: to carry extd tgie of this Act
'°‘ Y"' · ° an ` to A ro ria or year ending` June 310, 1927, the sum of?F00£00, payable from the revenues 0 P°"""°°°' the ofa·Glplm?1bia, g b the Escal year endigtlpunls: 80, 1928 t e· ` 'oners o ' riot E°°mt°°u°°°°M` of dorilunbiidlnshahyhdodciig in,the estimates of approplgixations for `d District such amount as may necessary or ` purpose.
:¤.°° ge Commissioners of the District of Columbia., upon nomination
by the board, shall have power to appoint a supervisor, and such
stnnogzaphers, and clerical assistants as are necessary
toadmmidnerthis t_, at suchsalaries as may be fixed for similar services by the provisions of the Classification Act of 1923. Such eapileysa beboflerdmved by the Commissioners upon recom- men ation o e . . Approved, June 22, 1926. y CRAP. 648t-·-An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide that °‘ m` the United States shall aid the States 1n the construction of rural post roads, and 2;:3:11:: purposes/’ approved July 11, 1916,as amended and supplemented, and Base ted b the Senat ml R Malice.; of the Egeilugirx United gzmtea of in %zngm;)Q:z;s:ey»b for the pur- ?:.°¤;,, °‘ *W’°*"**‘ poses of oa ° out the provisions of the Act entitled "A.n Act w*V§‘¤i;§i_v§:l¤¤;2’E· to provide United Statéisliall aédmthe States $11 the cog
Zstruetono ruralpostroadqsn oro —urposes,_approv
mm-, W mp July dl, 1916, and all Acts amendatory thereof) and supplementary tberetonthane is hereby authorized be appropriated, out of any money 1n the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the followmg addxtaenal suims, to be expended according to the provisions of suc Act en ed: . · , ’°' “‘ Tb? sigh of $75,000,000 for the fiscal year ending-June 30, 1928. r°"m°‘ The sum of $75,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1929. M{°‘*°"‘ H"*"'" n Sno. 2. Forcarrying out the revisions of section 23 of the Fed- A&¤¤¤¤¤ eral- Highway Act, approved §ovember 9, 1921, there_is hereby ?:iK°°x¤'°°s.¤¤¤.1 up authorized to be a propriated for forest roads and trails, out of °'%,,,_,,_,,_,,, any money in the 'Freasu.ry·not otherwise appropriated, the follow- ing additumal sums, to available until expended me accordance with the provisions ofsaxd section 23: . _. i
- °‘ The sum of $'l,500,000 for theiiscal yearending Juxm 30, 1928.
°' The sum of $7,500,000 for the fiscal yeamending Jima 30, 1929. ,;,§g’,{.,°"‘§f’°,'}‘§:5,)L’,{ Not Jasigcnaryl. n;x;g;;re\<:1eding.the tclp ent of i<»¤·¤¤¢¤• r- r e sreta o ic ure is au or' o appor- mn°°°°° ”°' tion amongythe several Stags the appropriations heretofore, herein, ` or hereafter made or authorized to be made as provided in section 23 gf tl? Federal Highway Ac}E;`ppz1pv>ed1S§0vemblc;;·t19:;1‘1i921. 1 °¤¤¤¤¤¤¤•Pr¤=¤l nc. ., in w tee`ingco ` onor awe i°:»»°°¢`i’Ei;°§¤Yn°3°§€¤'°:$i will not permit thgngtate toprovide revenues for the construction, "‘ """’* reconstruction, or maintenance of highways, the Secretary of Agri- culture shall continue to apfprove progicts for said State for the °°“‘”“°"‘ period covered by this Act 1 he shall d that State has com- plied proviiilons of this Act in so far as its existing con- stitution ¢ aws w' permit. ¥¤°¤¤¤=*¤¤,,**¤”*°· Sno. 4. All Acts or parts of Acts in any way inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed, and this Act shall take elfect onrits passage. . Approved, June 22, 1926.