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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/801

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SIXTXVNINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cue. 649,650, 657. 1926. 76]. CHAP. .——A¤ ct To amend that of the Act A ved Au 29, ¥¤¤¢¤»M& ggsl, rgugzg xgzkexgwt or uppam, wuwandm, and ueulzgnz mmgmzun e e e svy. V Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Izifreaenmtivea {Lch N", `Unitod Stateraf America in Uongreas aacemb , That until rch 1;!¤<=:“¤•·¤¤¤ of •c¤ 5, 1929 the provisions contained in the Act s prayed Augpst 29, Lu ¤°°¤u¤%¤ 1916 ('f`hirty-ninth Statutes at xge, page 579£ wluch provxdc for °‘ “°° tho retirement of captains, comm ers, and lieutenant commanders .x>-M of the lim of the Navy who are more than Hftry-six, fifty, and forty- iive yours of ago, respectively and who have become mcligiblc for promotion 011 acconmt of sucix ago, bc, and the same are hereby, modified to the extent that captains, commanders, and lieutenant commanders shall not become ineligible for promotion and shall not be retired until they have completed thirty-Hvc, twenty—cight, and twenty-one years, msroctivel , of commissioned in the Navy, and upon the 0011:5 ation of such service, if not recomrfmudod for promotion, thai sh be, retired without regard to age under the conditions speci cd in said Act: Provided That the commissioned ,,,. service of Naval Academy graduates, for fixglpugmose of this Act only, shall be computed from June 80 of the en ar year in which Juno asm u ¤. the class with whxch they graduated ccmlplctnd its academic course, °""*°°""”°‘ or, if its academic course was more or ess than four years, from June 30 of the caiexgdar year in which it would have completed up academic course 0 our years. Approved, June 22, 1926. CHAP. 650.-A.n Act To authorize the destruction of paid United States checks. J[E°gw] [Pu 0.418.] Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Represemabimu of tlw mh United States of Anwnba in Oongrees assembled That the Secretary ¤:m•£. of the 'I`1~eas1u·y and the Comptroller General 0} the United States, &e'y:¤m$¤I»·e¤•» respectively, are hereby authorized and directed to cause to be ’°· destroyed all United States Government checks and wa.rmnts‘issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, the Postmaster General, the Treas- umr and Assistant Trcasurers of the United Staines, or by oiiicers and agents of the United States, eight full years dor to the da.? of Elgch c§1c<£ksTand warngéuts havcqaeag 'd and crm epui ec cs 0 t e reasury artmcut. an m¤¤¢°|*|•“¤¤¤I wd giuthe General Accounting Odicc wherever stored under? their respec- cmu W ` tive control, after all unpaid checks and warrants have been listed as outstanding as now reguirgd by_1a.w: Promyied, That such checks §;°:j*g;·"mm H and warrants as, in than- d.1scmt10n, mspecuvcly, may be deemed d¤¤¤»d¤•¤¤¤¤¤·y.’ necomaxz in the public interests or the legality of the negotiation of whic has been questioned in any material resgliogtlby any Earty Mmmm 1 in interest may be preserved: Prcmkled further, t such c ocks M, °°”°°t' as may be of historic or sentimental interest may also be preserved. Sm. 2. A11 claims on account of any check, checks, warrant, or ¤1•1¤¤:1¤¤ •¤¤¤¤¤| ¢¤f warrants zzgpeariug to have been paid shall be barred if not pre- ¤¤¢¤» sented to e General Accounting Oilico within six years after the ?,,,,‘Q_““""""” date of issuance of the chock, checks, warrant, or warrants involved. Approved, June 22, 1926. cur. .— ¤ Act To · for 11 erccti mm, ’“”° ”·“’“°· school for tgglse gf the Piuto §;Od¥1ag1cchi1d1?e; on at Bums, d · Be d enacted by t}w,Se·mz.te and House of Representatives of the Bn Om United States of .Am.erica in Congress aasembled, That the Secretary `