702 _ne;<~SIXTY:'NI.N’}ZH CONGRESS: Sense. I. *C¤e. 657480. 19% “°*°°‘ *°u*’° of the Interior: i autlmviied te.oonstr·¤et¤and ui a siitable %i1ild·
owing in or near‘Bnm,·0regon, st·•·eost`not°tti> gieeed $8,000, nid
bull ` to be erec on land provided or owned by ‘the town or ` ` _ on condition thatethe public-school a¤thorities_ shall . _ _ct. aaehool therein, in whightlxuhan children
Abe A ¤¤ t¤r¤l3•adco¤dxta0ns•s‘are¤<i11te
· · »e·· . .· ~, * unnount unwise, ,.,8;;;,2, p ` js heeeby anthonzed tn be appropriated., outof ` ,m¤ney,in_ e notetherwise appropriated, the sum of mm ‘ mpchthereofesmaybenecesserytocarryouttlie provisions Act , A vApprelved,.·J¤nn•33, 1926. z · 3 *1. ¤
" A . 888.Jln Act Anthoridng an appropriation for a monument for
’~*“’·] liteehiH*<fIheOommehe ndiam. I I tlc Senate and H0uce ee of tbe
••¤(•i•••U¢•il•dState•»a?·lAma·ioain0oagr·ea• f ,Thatt.hereis
_‘$;§? °° hdeby authorised to be appropriated, out of any money in the
· nrt otherwise appro rmted, the sum of $1,500 for the pur-
chale a smtabi; monument to the grave of Quannah P|!¢.‘y of the Comanche Indians, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior and in accordance with such regulations as he may prescribe. Approved, June 23, 1926. j;.N·%I:1?l 6] ,OKAgi:.50.·—An Act For completion of the road from 'Inceon to Ajo via · , lll. .B4ito»o¢ted 4theS•aateavtdHouua/Rc ieeaofthe
1** o?Am¢rica in Ocmgnsn t there is
ABM ·{=;_¤‘¤¤=¤¤¢g hereby,. authorized to be appropriated, out of a:fy money in the eJ3;,;f° °” " Treasury not otherwise appmpriatedbothe sum $125,000, or so ·*“'°“°"°'· muoh thereof as may be necessary, to expended, index- the direc- tion of the Secretary of the Interior °£or the imggwement and con-
of uneompleted oi‘ the road m Tucson to Ajo
via Oasis, withm the apago Indian Reservation, Arizona:
,,,,,,,,,,,,,, That before_any money rs spent hereunder the State of
- •
- k*;?°”Y”“¤·* its highwaydepartment or the county of Pima,
AIlZ0B§,A.8hlu agree in writing to maintain said road wrthout expense to the United States. Approved, June 23, 1926. m m CHAP, 800.-—An Act For the enlargement of the Capitol Grounds. · 0. . ..’ , Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of eI3:gn·e•4Mata?ves, of
the United State: og! America in 0 aes Zed, That it is
<1¤¤¤¤*¤=··:l·¤¤¤¢· hereby declared tube the pmtgose of gngrese to xghuim all the lands, whrch have not been hi erto acquired, embra within the %uares numbered 632, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, and 721 in the city of aslungton, D18tIi0b of Columbia, for the enlargement of the Capitol ,,§§‘°°°’ °', °f"*“"" GPOHDdS;,, and the Vice President, the gpeaker of the House of ~ and the Architect of the agitol are hereby author- Umpeeeeewmee ' and directed to acquire said premises y purchase, condemna- '°§g,"‘;§“;°°4‘:‘ tion, or otherwisev and the unexpended balances of ap ropriations ` ’ ` ` ‘ heretofore made for the enlargement of the Capitol grounds are