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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/803

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_SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. sS¤••.-1. Gm;. 660, 661.; 1926. · 763 hnmby reappropriated for the above-named purpose, and `»Hl10l'1 further sum as may be necessary is thereby authorized to be P~¢.¤·w- apgfpriated. l _ e Vice President, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, uuid the Architect of th0_£C;pito1._ are Vaiiitdhorized to institute » conemnahon 1_necesss ipo ertosecurea or 41 of the land herein au rized to bow, uired. If such eondeldina- P'°°°°““’· tion proceeding; am deemed neeessoarizey shall be in accordance with the Rrqvisaonspf the Act of ngress approved August 30, V°‘·’°·"·“"· 18QO, _prov1dmg a site for the enlargement _ 0 the Government Pmntmg OHice (Statutes at I.8l‘gB,,V01l1!118 26, chapter 837). Approved, June 23, 1926. J¤ne23,19%. CKLP. 661.-An Act Settin aside Bice Lake and contiguous lands in ..£;PE&L..._ Minnesota for the exclusive use and beneht of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota. lP“bu°· Z"’· ml Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re eenmtivea o the United States of America in Omsgrcaa assembggr That ther; be, and is hereby, created within the limits of the White Earth Indian Reservation in the State of Minnesota a reserve to be known as Wild ¤•• cl Gmvnvn 1¤— Rice Lake Reserve, for the exclusive use and benelit of the Chip wa dm"` Indians of Minnesota, which reserve shall include Rice Laine angethe following described contiguous lands, to wit t atthe north- D’“""""°°· west corner of the northeast quarter of the sout easttquarter of sec- tion 8 in township 145 north range 38 west and running due east to the northeast corner of southeast quarter of section 9; thence south to northeast corner of northeast quarter of section 16; thence due east to northeast corner of northeast quarter of section 14, township 145 north, range 38 west; thence due south to southeast corner of northeast quarter of section 2, township 144 north, range 38 west; thence due west to southwest corner of northwest quarter of section 3 of said township and range; thence due north to southwest corner of northwest quarter of section 15, township 145 north, range 38 west; thence due west to southwest corner 0 northwest quarter of section 16; thence due north to northwest corner of northwest uar- ter of said section 16; thence west to southwest corner of soufgeast quarter of southeast cauarter of section 8: thence north to point of beginning, which, exc uding the lake bed, contains approximately four thousand {ive hundred acres. Sm. 2. All unallotted and undisgosed of lands within the area ,2,‘}‘“’v_g'$';,°,_‘;§,L•:* described in section 1 hereof are ereby permanentl withdrawn from sale or other disposition and are made Izfart ofy said reserve, and the Secretary of the Interior is authori to acquire b§ pur- ,,,Eg°,m‘°§, {g"_}‘;°§§ chase any lands within said area now owned by the State of inne- b••¤·¤¤**·¤- sota or in private ownership at a price not to exceed $5 per acre, and to acquire from private owners by condemnation proceedings, in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota relating to the condemnation of Krivate property for public use, any lands within said area whic can not be purchnwi at the price herein hmm W mn named; the Eurchase price and costs of acquiring said lands to be wussrimmoréuipee aid out of t e trust fund standing to the credit o all the Chippewa "' m w"’°'°°"‘ Yndians of Minnesota in the Treasurv of the United States upon warrants drawn by the Secretary of the Interior. Src. 3. The reserve hereby} creawd shall be maintained for the .,i,}:i°,i§”$2$$$,¤°Ebf§ exclusive use and benefit of t e Chippewa Indians of Minnesota un- ¥"""'· der the supervision of the Secretary of the Interior and under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the said Secretary. Approved, June 23, 1926.