764 SIXTYJNINTH CONGRESS. SnssQ’I. Gus. 662, 663, 667 , 668. 4926. 7¤¤;%•‘,}¤· · ¤HAP.·.669.—An·Act_To reimburse the State ofvbiontana tor expanse
smguea by air; mppmuag forest am on Government uma during the year
s ~ Bs it enacted tlwsSenate and Home of Repreaeetatt" nc: of the imlirltiluurhsmmt ta, United States··o;?l§mee*ica in Umgreas a.ssembZed,l'1Yhat’the·Comp- §§‘,°§,’,§“§',,",§f’,;"F,'.,§ troller General of the ‘United States is hereby authorized and ¤¤¤¤*¤·¤¤¤~ to ascertain andt’a‘ud,it‘ all sums of money expended bythe State of’Montana inthe suppression of forest Hres on Government lands~·during`the 19191116 report same back to the Secretary of the Treasurysand` thatthereafter said Secretary of the_tTreasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to 'pay to the State of Montana, such claims out of an moneyin the reasury not other· wise appropriated, not to exceed the sum of $26,517.91. Approved, June 23, 1926. bmw ` CHAP. 668.-—An Act Authorizing the President to appoint Cecil Clinton
- r¤¤u¤,N¤.m. zgyemp, United States Navy, to his former rank as ensign,
{ it enacted bg/the and Howe of Representatives a the @...°‘.*:;f;.‘: *%;**1*.;. United sms or attest et congrats amnazqd, rat; the resident ¤¢¤· '•'Y·°““*°'*”°· géguthorézéelllto apg>mg§>51andl:vxth the advilcisg and consent or the late, pworesi commissionasan ensitgmin the;UD1li6d.iSl'·QlB8 lsayy pn ghltlgber 1, 1924), an ensign on Ee active list of the Na`y1y_ and in the lmeal sition in the line mam. of the Na¥hwhioh he wo dy have attained hadmhe not resigned: niggas}:-°g¤°;1p°.i.i:i°°°l PTOWHO4, it UIQ sand Cl.lDi·0I1 Adcll be an additional number in the gpadeof ensign, and to any to which be may hereafter YW *¤¤¤*¤¤°¤· be promoted: _ romdedp further, That such appointee shall not be entrtledto rece1ve_pay or allowances for the period during which he was not in the actxve service of the Navy. Approved, June. 23, 1926. Jug ' tOHAP. 06’7.—_}—3$2n Act Tgoamend Acglpf June 3, 5922 §)I:ixrty·’i}x;'i¤t Pu c, 0. 421. 8 , , B0 OB 6 BYGHDG BB A 00 6 mit in the Court Claims. CM Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ,,,‘§,"”f,?'}§’;°;,§?,° Od; United States of America in Ooxreas asaemb ed,. That the time •*°·,m_ www M within which Slllt or suits may be ed under the terms of the Act gnénmymswww of Congressof June 3 1920 (Forty-first Statutes at Large page Mvahpmimma. 7;3),»1s hergy pxtalnsdeil fop thoihterm of two yiars grom the date gf · t approv ot' ctor eurposeonyopermittf te Ar%p¤.hoe and Cheyenne Tribes ofp Indians residing in theulgtates - of_ _yo1nin%,0%Iontana and Oklahomato tile a separate petition or
in the rtof Claimsfor the determination of any claim or
claims of said tribes of Indians to the whole or anypart of the F I sub`ect matter of anydpending suit or to tile other suits hereafter c1.¤m»`¤m-rental: under the of sai Act: moided That unless suit be brought {,*;’,‘,,f"°°*"‘ ’° “"°° within the tune herein stated all such claims shall be forever barred. Approved, June 24, 1926.
CHA!. 668.-An Act To authorise the construction and procurement of
[PublE No. ml aircraft and aircraft cguépcment in the Navy and Marine _Corps, and to adjust and deiine the status operating personnel in connection therewith. . V B it enacted by the Senate and House of Re resentatéwvee of the $i»r¤i$¤§:¤l>i,¤¢¤.. Umlged States of Ameraba in Oongress assembpled, That, for the ‘“°‘°"‘°°‘ purpose of further developing and further increasing aeronautica